7 Survival Tips to the NHS Tendering Process

The NHS tendering process can often feel like something of a minefield. Use these 7 survival tips to make the process a little easier to navigate.

EBITDA Is the tender financially viable for YOU?

Do a high-level costing; consider a number of patients you will see, the type of service you will provide, what’s the average number of UDA per patient, location needs and how far is it away from where you live, will it be associated/principal-led, research any recruitment issues and consider your mobilization plan.

Have a strategy and stick to it.

What’s your USP and what do you want to create for the community.
Agree your baseline EBITDA, UDA rate, profit generated and if the figures don’t work – reconsider your strategy, be realistic.

7 tips for nhs tendering process

Get your ducks in a row

Inform your accountant well in advance and prepare them for possible information required in a short timeframe. Speak to financial advisors regarding loan affordability as most tenders require proof of cash/funding. Consider the company structure, partnerships, subcontractors or consortiums. All new legal entities may require business plans, cash flow forecasts and balance sheets.

7 tips for nhs tendering process 2

Read the specification document

All your answers are in the document, go through each section and highlight main points and cross-reference with questions.

7 tips for nhs tendering process 3

Answer the question

Use bullet points initially for your first draft and refer back to the specification document to ensure you have answered the question. Look at the weighting for each point, don’t waste energies writing war and peace for a ½ point! Don’t waffle!

7 tips for nhs tendering process 4

Set realistic deadlines and adhere to them

Its imperative to manage your time effectively as you only have a short timeframe to complete your answers, create deadlines, milestones and use a project planner if necessary.

7 tips for nhs tendering process 6

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Don’t wait until last minute to submit the tender

Understand the portal and its workings, read all the clarification questions as most likely someone has already asked your question.

Be ready to submit at least 2 hours before submission, clearly label all attachments and don’t cross-refer as usually different people read different sections.

We would strongly suggest submitting 6-12 hours before, just in case portal crashes (sorry, it can happen) you can still amend after submission.

7 tips for nhs tendering process 6

Click here to read our article on Dentist and Dental Associate Expenses Guide

Happy tendering….Keep Calm and keep hydrated!

Speak to a member of the Samera team on how we can help you tendering process, we offer a tender review, bespoke full tendering service, we can also help you find new premises, financial funding and helping with business plans!

7 tips for nhs tendering process 7

More on the NHS tendering process

For further information on our NHS tendering process support please visit here

Dental Accounts & Tax Specialists

As dental practice owners ourselves, we know what makes a clinic tick. We have been working with dentists for over 20 years to help manage their accounts and tax.

Whether you’re a dental associate, run your own practice or own a dental group and are looking to save time, money and effort on your accounts and tax then we want to hear from you. Our digital platform takes the hassle and the paperwork out of accounts.

To find out more about how you can save time, money and effort on your accounts and tax when you automate your finances with Samera, book a free consultation with one of our accounting team today.

Dental Accounts & Tax: Further Information

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Reviewed By:

Nigel Crossman

Nigel Crossman

Head of Commercial Finance

Nigel is a former banker and head of commercial finance at Samera. He specialises in raising finance, negotiating deals and structuring finance applications for healthcare businesses.

Arun Mehra

Arun Mehra

Samera CEO

Arun, CEO of Samera, is an experienced accountant and dental practice owner. He specialises in accountancy, financial directorship, squat practices and practice management.

The Language Of Communication

Smita and I were privileged to have Dr Barry Oulton share his expertise on the language of communication on a recent webinar.

Barry is a very experienced private dentist and an excellent communicator, in this webinar he shares his tips and tools on communicating in dental practice.

Click here to read our articles Samera.

Grow Your Dental Practice with Samera

Join the Samera Alliance buying group today for free to save money on your consumables and assets, increase your profits and grow your dental practice.

You’ll get access to exclusive discounts on the consumables, products and equipment you need to build and grow your dental practice. You’ll also get exclusive discounts from our Alliance Partners, covering everything from HR, IT and legal services to utilities, compliance and dental technology.

Join for free. Save money. Grow your dental practice.

More on Growing a Dental Practice

For more information on growing a dental practice, check out the articles and webinars in our Learning Centre, like our guide on How to Grow a Dental Practice.

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Leadership Tips for Dentists

Webinar – Are you a Leader in your Dental Practice?

Podcast: The Importance of Leadership Skills in Dentistry

Arun Mehra: Hello everybody, this is Arun from the Dental Business Guide podcast and today I’m delighted to say we’re joined by Simon Gambold. Hi Simon, how are you?

Simon Gambold: Morning, Arun. Very well, thank you, really pleased to be here.

Arun Mehra: Great to have you today. Now Simon’s got a wealth of experience in the dental world, I’m not sure how many years but I’m sure he’s gonna tell you in a minute. And he’s held very senior roles at Henry Schein here in Europe, in the UK. And now he’s very busy coaching and helping clients with their leadership strategy. So Simon, give us a bit of a background about yourself.

Simon Gambold: Thanks, Arun. Yeah, I spent 25 years plus in the dental industry. Now, my background was business and marketing. And early, quite early on in my career, I realised that building and leading teams is what I was passionate about. And then I almost stumbled upon the dental industry. 

You know, 25 years ago, I also realised I love working with dental teams, that the passion of people who want to improve oral health and support their communities. So after a couple of decades with Henry Schein in leadership roles, I decided to stop flying around all the time, flying around Europe, and set up my own coaching business, engagetheteam.co.uk; which is really about adapting leadership skills to suit dental practice owners and dentists generally. 

How to improve their leadership skills, how to engage their teams to produce outstanding patient experiences, and long term sustainable growth for their practices. And I have a number of clients, I’ve been coaching and doing some webinars and you know, I’m really enjoying it.

Why is Leadership So Important?

Arun Mehra: Fantastic. So now, obviously, we’re in changing times as they say, I wouldn’t say difficult times, but they’re definitely challenging and changing times. Why is leadership so important in these times?

Simon Gambold: Well, it’s a fantastic opportunity for leaders and leadership as a skill set. It’s something that we never seem to find time to do. But right now is a perfect time because our teams really need us. And teams look to their leaders for guidance, or reassurance, or clarity. And many of us have learned in our practices, providing consistent clear communication both to our team and our patients is critical.

If we don’t communicate with people, they’ll step into the vacuum and make up their own story. And people get very anxious. So a key role now for leaders is to be clear and consistent and reassure people. And you know, some of the teams I work with – very strong teams, very proactive, work together really well and came back from the first lockdown and there were all sorts of challenges around child care and mental health and people were unsure. And a lot of practice owners who thought their team would just fall back in together working well found that, actually, there were issues and challenges. 

We’re seeing that in the lockdown now. So it’s more important than ever that we practice your leadership skills and the opportunity to improve the performance of the team. And as a result, the patient experience is there if we spend time on developing our leadership skills.

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Different Styles of Leadership

Arun Mehra: Sure. And I guess in this environment, as you said, leadership is paramount now. And we’ve seen various styles of leadership by various governments out there, some better than others. Okay, but it’s still that those same principles still apply to you, to an individual running a business. Am I right in saying that?

Simon Gambold: That’s right, yes. And that’s a very good way to look at leadership and the results of leadership, different leadership styles from different leaders around the world. Some are empathetic and sympathetic. Others are very much, you know, brusque, and ‘there’s no problem’, sort of ‘sort out for yourself’ kind of thing. 

So we can take those parallels when we look at our teams. And you know, being a leader is about influencing people in a direction. It’s the art and science of influencing people in a particular direction. But as leaders, what we’re trying to do is help our teams be more successful. And the opportunity for us is to support them, understand their concerns, look for their ideas, help them with the resources they need, and give them permission. And that’s about engaging with our teams. So it’s all about talking to our teams, engaging with them, and helping them be successful.

Arun Mehra: And there’s the phrase leaders are born or they can be taught, I guess. So what’s your view on this type of situation or this topic? 

You’re Not Born a Leader

Simon Gambold: That’s one of the first questions I usually get, you’re either born leader or you’re not. And of course, I say no, that’s not the case. And I’m an example, I think, of someone who by just practising techniques and sheer hard work, you know, you can master most things and leadership can be mastered.

But you need a lot of practice. And I liken it to when you’ve come back from a clinical course in placing a new direct composite, and you’ve done the technique, and you’re going to practice on a first patient, and you prepare the cavity and you etch it, and you bond it, and you place the composite in, you layer it and you do a very, very precise process, and you do it exactly the same way. 

And the second patient, you do it the same and the third patient. You don’t come in on the second week and go, ‘actually, I wouldn’t bother with the etching, I’ll just put the bond and the composite in’. You don’t come in a third and go ‘actually, I’ll just place the composite’. You don’t do that, because the failure rates will go up on the restoration. 

And leadership is like that, we have to have consistent behaviours, and repeat them and repeat them and repeat them. And what we do and what we say is really important. And the more we do it, the more successful we’ll be as leaders. So I think creating leadership behaviours that are consistent, is really, really important. And it’s just like practising a new clinical skill, very similar.

Arun Mehra: But if I just look at myself, okay. I’ve been in business almost 20 years, and I look at my leadership skills, what they were when I started out to what they are now. Now, I’m sure people will judge me differently. But if you talk to my team, but just looking at myself, I think I’ve, I suppose, I’ve practiced it, practiced it by just doing it, as you said, and you get better and better. And I think, in my mind, the best leaders are the best listeners. What would you say to that?

Listening is the Key Skill

Simon Gambold: Yes, totally agree. Listening is really important. But practice alone doesn’t work. You have to practice, reflect on what happens and adapt. So how did that interaction go? What went well? What didn’t go so well? What could I do differently next time? So by reflecting and learning, you improve your performance. And yes, listening is the key skill. So, you know, asking open-ended questions and listening to people’s answers. That’s the key thing.

Arun Mehra: True, very true. So okay, I’m a dentist, I’ve got a dental practice. I’m busy in the clinic every day. How are they going to practice this? What is one thing they could do to improve their leadership skills?

Find Time for Your Team

Simon Gambold: The key thing for me, I think, and the step, the first step for anybody is to have open, honest one-to-one conversations with their team to sit down with its members, and just talk to them and listen to what they say, really listen. 

And that’s how you find out what’s going on in the practice. You find out what people’s ambitions are, what their ideas are, what the obstacles are. And in many cases, you give them permission to do the things that they know need to be done. The big challenge when starting down this road is that dentists, like a lot of professionals, are the production engines of their business. Five days a week dentists are practising clinical dentistry. So when do they become leaders? 

The problem with going on a leadership course is most of them are designed for large organisations with full time leaders. So when I was running Henry Schein UK, I mean, I had 650 people in 13 locations, but that’s all I had to do. Okay, now, when I spoke a dentist last week, who wants to retain me and he said, ‘well, nine to five, five days a week, I’m doing clinical dentistry’. Now running the practice, I fit in around that. And that’s a very tough place to start. So you need a leadership programme that’s designed for that kind of situation. 

So the programme I put together is around if you have two or three hours a week, half a day a week, you can put a leadership programme together based on that time. Now you should be spending 20% of your time, if you’re a principal, running the practice. If you’re not, you’re not going to be effective. 

But for many dentists, it’s very challenging for them to put that much time aside. So, there are a number of steps you can take around digitising the processes in the practice. Outsourcing some like finance, for example, you should outsource the finance. Some sometimes it’s appropriate to outsource marketing. And then thirdly, delegating a lot of what the principals do, they shouldn’t be doing. And similarly when they’re billing clinical time, are they billing the top end cases or billing time that isn’t productive for them. 

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So by adapting what they do, they can make those two or three hours a week, and then use that time to start practising those skills. And it all starts with having those conversations with their team.

Arun Mehra: Sure. So a key learning point here is that if people haven’t, is to sit down and arrange those conversations, whether it’s virtually or in person, with their teams or individuals in their teams. And do that on a relatively regular basis. Correct?

Schedule Regular Meetings

Simon Gambold: Yes. And people are very nervous because they’re nervous about what they’re going to hear. But what I would say is, it’s worse not to hear it. Because you know, there’s an elephant in the room and just pretending it’s not there is not going to help you long term. 

So you’re better off having the conversation, finding out what the issue is. You don’t have to answer that issue, then. And then it’s very important to listen, make notes and say, you’ll come back to somebody. And it’s important to go away and reflect on what you’ve heard, talk to colleagues, find a mentor, another practice owner, maybe who’s more experienced, talk through what you should do, and then go back to the person.

You don’t have to solve the problems there and then. And a lot of people are nervous about having those conversations for that reason. 

Arun Mehra: It’s interesting just earlier this week, I had a conversation with a team member, a really good team member of mine, and we’re going down a certain route, okay. And perhaps I was blinded by my strategy. And he said to me, I think we’re doing the wrong thing here. We’re doing it completely wrong.

And he said, ‘I hope you don’t mind me saying that’. I said, ‘No, absolutely not. I do want you to say this. How am I supposed to know otherwise? Okay. That’s why you’re in the team’.

So I listened to him, heard him out, talked to him, talked about the issue to another team member. And now we’ve kind of changed tack as a result of that. And that goes back to the listening skills, that goes back to making people feel that they can be listened to as well, I think that’s a really important thing. 

Your Door Needs to be Open

I remember when I used to work in the corporate world, in the city in investment banking – the door is always closed, the boss was sitting in his room, the door was closed, it was never an open-door policy. 

But I’d like to think the way I try and get people to engage in my team is that the door is always open or virtually open, that they can pick up the phone, email me and tell me if they don’t like something, or they’re unhappy with something, or they think we’re doing something incorrectly. That’s a very valid point. Okay. So you think that Dentists have to find that time to really make the most of building a team and building a business? Correct?

Involve the Team in Creating Strategy

Simon Gambold: Yes, there is an opportunity to be more productive, to deliver a better patient experience, a more fulfilling work environment, and sustainable, long-term growth in the business. Now that you don’t have to do that. I mean, many practices have operated very successfully, without doing that. 

What we’ve seen with COVID is a step change in the profitability of practices. And many practices move from being in the black to being break-even or in the red. And, you know, there’s an extra requirement now, for principals to be aware of that, and to tap into this potential of their teams. 

What you said just now is really interesting. It’s very typical for us to formulate a strategy, then go and excitedly present it to our team. And of course, the team are like, ‘Oh, hang on a minute’. And what I coach people to do is to involve the team in creating the strategy, get their ideas in, because they’re buying into the solution, and not everybody will agree with everything, clearly. 

But by involving them in that process, when the strategy is rolled out, they own it, they’ll take responsibility for delivering it. But yes, you’re right, you need to have that open mind. And that open door policy can only work if you’re trusted as a leader. And the best way to be trusted is, in my experience, to be open and honest with people. I like to craft, I like to create stories, I mean, that I didn’t make them up. These are real stories about my experience where I’ve got something wrong. I’ll tell people about that. And it creates trust. 

So when my doors open, and people come in, they really feel they can talk to me. But it’s all about how you react, if you’re really really busy. And you’re waiting, you’re thinking about the next patient and the treatment plan and an issue in the practice. And somebody walks into see you and they see all that stress on your face, they’re gonna go, ‘I won’t do that again’. 

Be Careful of the Language You Use

One of the techniques I taught myself, because I saw that in people’s faces sometimes when I was interrupted because I had an open door policy at Schein. People would come in, and I could see on their face they read my impatience. Before I looked up from my desk, I would compose my face, relax, smile and look up at them and say, ‘well, how can I help you?’ to try and convey that I was focused on them and I wanted to hear it. 

Those techniques, if you practice them, they become you. Okay, for example, when someone says ‘how are you?’ I started to say, ‘I’m very well’ unless I was not feeling well, in which case I wouldn’t say that but if I felt okay, I’d say ‘I’m very well’. And after, after a while you do start to feel really well and you it lifts your spirit and it lifts other people.

Leadership for Associates

Arun Mehra: Well, the language you use is so important, isn’t it? Language is everything. It conveys a story of who you are to others, but also to yourself. So the more you have that positive message going out there, the more positive you will feel for sure. So I totally agree, totally agree with you. So obviously, we’re talking about people who might be owning practices. What about the people who might be associates or team members? Why is this all relevant? Why is this relevant to these guys?

Simon Gambold: Well, that’s a good question. Originally I designed my programme for practice owners. But as I spoke to dentists, I realised that some dentists told me (actually one of the first groups I spoke to said to me), you know, you shouldn’t just limit this to practice owners. And I thought about that and realised, of course, that all dentists are leaders in the surgery, whether the team will report to them or not, they are leaders. 

And, in fact, the team look to the dentist. So in a practice, when something happens, or there’s a problem, the team will look to the dentist, what do I do? And what do they say? What do I do or not they’re looking to the dentist, so all Dentists have an opportunity to play that role more effectively.

And of course, many dentists do want to go on to practice ownership anyway. So sure, it’s worth it. But it’s a good skill to have in life and, and dental care professionals as well can be leaders. A dental nurse can take a leadership role in a particular aspect of the practice. But I didn’t want to spread myself too widely. So I wanted to focus on dentists. There’s another coach I work with, and she trains practice managers.

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How to Develop Leadership Skills

Arun Mehra: Okay, fantastic. So now, where would someone who wants to develop their leadership skills, where do they start?

Simon Gambold: So I think looking for a coach or mentor, someone who can guide you. And I said earlier, you know, the classic leadership courses are not really suited to what practice owners are looking for. There are people like me out there providing bespoke programmes, and mine is, I think, unique in that it focuses on team engagement. 

But finding a mentor, someone you respect, who maybe has run a Dental Group you’re part of can provide you with some ideas. The key thing is to start those conversations with your team, and to take the step out of your comfort zone. Have those conversations, try new ideas, try things out and you will, you will make mistakes and things will go wrong. But that’s how we learn. 

People are very forgiving and they also are looking for leadership. That’s the other thing – people want to be led. People want to work in an environment where they understand what their contribution is, they trust their leader, and they are open to being told what to do. And if they feel they can trust you. And, you know, you may make a mistake, but your next interaction is what matters. And, by the way, whilst words are important, it’s what we do. That’s the most important thing. We have to walk the talk.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Arun Mehra: Yeah, actions, as they say, speak louder than words, don’t they? So you can talk it, but you have to actually follow through with it. How true, how very true. So okay, on that note then, the values of an organisation are really important here, I guess, in terms of getting the message out to your team.

How would someone go about creating those values or communicating those values of an organisation to their team? Was it something they would do together?

Culture Flows From Your Values

Simon Gambold: Well, you’re right, values are important. And the whole culture and organisation flows from the values, which flow from the leadership. It’s how we behave, how we interact with each other, and with our customers. I like to work. I like to get teams together to agree with the values. And you can decide on what your personal values are, and just tell other people. But if you bring a team together, it’s a great team building exercise. 

Get the team to work on how they want to treat each other? How do they want to be treated? And then how do they want to treat patients? People come up with a similar list of they want to be happy, professional, they want to have fun, they want to be honest and open. So the same things come up.

But it’s about the process of getting people to agree to a set of words that they will live by. And these can then be used when you’re talking to your patients about what the practice will do. And they should be used in recruitment, it’s really important that as you recruit, you recruit people with a similar value set, so they fit in well with the team. So it’s an important part of that team engagement process, setting the values.

People Want to be Led

Arun Mehra: Yeah, very true. Okay. And I think as you said earlier people want to be led. I look at people around me. Humans by virtue I think want to be led by somebody and shown the way. Not everyone is a leader or perhaps not everyone wants to be a leader as well. And there are people who are followers and they will follow those leaders, which is a really relevant point in business today in the world today. 

So in summary, Simon, in terms of how do people go about finding out about your training and your coaching and your courses? How do they do that?

Simon Gambold: Well, first of all, I’ve got a website, engagetheteam.co.uk. And I do webinars for various dental groups, BDA, Alpha Omega, and various other smaller groups.

So I’m out there, okay. And I think there are other people doing this. And it’s important to reach out to people that you feel you can work with, whose values coincide with yours. And finding a mentor who’s running a successful practice, is doing it the way you want, is really key. Someone to help you reflect on what you’re doing and bounce ideas off. 

And we’ve got to make the time to do this. One of the key things, one of the key habits I like to do is to have a time each week when I reflect on the previous week, and think about that Monday morning or Friday night, how did the week go? What could I do differently, what I’m going to do next week, and that’s a 15 – 30 minute slot.

But put it in your diary, blank that time out. So no one can put an appointment in there. And make sure you do it and don’t skip it. And those kinds of disciplines will really advance your skills.

Arun Mehra: Fantastic, that’s really, really helpful, Simon. So the leadership, as Simon’s mentioned, as I totally believe is absolutely paramount to success in business, not just financial success, but just to your team, your happiness, the people around you.

 I think it affects you in so many ways. And you can bring these skills that Simon’s mentioned very briefly, into not just your business, but your life. And I think that’ll be the overarching benefit in any way. So if you want to know more, I think you can get hold of Simon at engagetheteam.co.uk.

And if you have any further questions, I’m sure he’d be delighted to to help you. So thank you, Simon today for your contribution to this podcast. And I look forward to you coming again soon on hearing and perhaps talking about maybe about communication or something like that.

Simon Gambold: I really appreciate the the invitation and the time, Arun. Yeah, there’s so much to talk about on this programme.

Arun Mehra: Yeah. Happy to come back whenever you want me to so brilliant. Thank you. Thanks, Simon. Cheers.

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More on Growing a Dental Practice

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Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Running a Dental Practice

Running a dental practice, like any business, is like trying to keep several plates spinning at once. You need to be a mixture of dentist, manager and business owner. We’ve been running our own dental practices for over 20 years and we know the mistakes you need to avoid to make it successful. Let’s dive into ten important areas where things can go wrong and figure out how to handle them .

Hiring Cheap vs Hiring Right

Navigating the world of managing a dental practice can be tricky, especially when it comes to building a skilled and reliable team. While keeping costs low is important, hiring people just because they’re cheap can lead to big problems. Let’s explore why hiring the right way is crucial and how to tackle this aspect of dental practice management.

The Pitfalls of Going for Cheap Hires

It might seem like a good idea to hire people who ask for lower salaries to save money. However, this approach can cause serious issues, like a potential drop in the quality of patient care, less teamwork, and overall hindrance to the growth of your practice.

Instead of only thinking about costs, you need to focus on the long-term benefits of investing in skilled individuals. A talented team not only adds to the clinical excellence of your practice but also contributes to its overall success and lasting power.

Strategies for Hiring Right

  • Clearly Define Hiring Criteria: Spell out clear criteria for the roles you want to fill. Identify the essential qualifications, skills, and qualities that align with your practice’s values and goals.
  • Thorough Hiring Process: Take the time to run a thorough hiring process. This includes creating detailed job descriptions, reviewing resumes, conducting in-depth interviews, and checking references. Quick decisions can lead to hiring mistakes.
  • Consider Cultural Fit: While technical skills matter, don’t forget about cultural fit. A team that aligns with your practice’s values creates a positive work environment and enhances patient care.
  • Competitive Compensation: Avoid the pitfalls of hiring cheaply by ensuring your compensation packages are competitive in the industry. This not only attracts top talent but also retains valuable team members.
  • Invest in Education: Allocate resources for ongoing training and professional development. This not only enhances your team’s skills but also shows your commitment to their growth, fostering loyalty and job satisfaction.
  • Use Networking and References: Tap into professional networks and seek references when hiring. Recommendations from trusted colleagues can provide valuable insights into potential candidates’ abilities and work ethic.

Benefits of Hiring Right

  • Improved Patient Satisfaction: A team with the right skills leads to a higher standard of patient care, resulting in increased satisfaction and positive feedback. This can be especially true when it comes to front-of-house staff. 
  • Increased Practice Efficiency: Skilled and experienced staff contribute to the smooth operation of the practice, reducing the likelihood of errors and setbacks.
  • Positive Work Environment: A team that works well together and includes qualified members creates a positive work environment, boosting morale and productivity.
  • Long-term Practice Growth: Investing in the right team sets the foundation for long-term practice growth and success.

Read our article on Building a Dental Team.

Blindly Trusting Partners and Suppliers

Trust is the foundation of a successful partnership. This is especially true when it comes to your suppliers and contractors like builders, maintenance and architects. However, blindly trusting professionals without careful consideration can lead to unexpected problems.

The Risks of Blindly Trusting

While trust is crucial for good professional relationships, blindly trusting can expose your dental practice to various risks, including poor work quality, budget overruns, and project delays. Putting your practice’s foundation in the hands of the first expert without thorough consideration could have consequences affecting both your financial stability and patient care.

Navigating Professional Relationships

  • Conduct Thorough Research: Before committing to any professional service, conduct extensive research on potential architects and builders. Explore their history, reviews, and past projects to assess their competence and reliability.
  • Seek Recommendations: Harness the power of recommendations from trusted colleagues, industry associations, and online platforms. Learning about others’ experiences can provide valuable insights into the excellent skills and capabilities of the professionals you are considering.
  • Request and Verify References: Ask for references from prospective architects or builders and take the time to verify them. Interviewing past clients can give you a clear picture of their performance, reliability, and adherence to timelines.
  • Detailed Contractual Agreements: Develop detailed and comprehensive contractual agreements. Clearly outline project scopes, schedules, financial considerations, and expectations. A well-structured contract minimizes the risk of misunderstandings and disputes down the line.
  • Multiple Bids and Quotes: Don’t settle for the first offer that comes your way. Request multiple bids and quotes to ensure you are getting fair pricing and a comprehensive understanding of the services offered.
  • Visit Completed Projects: Whenever possible, visit projects completed by the professionals you are considering. This firsthand observation can provide a clear sense of their work quality and attention to detail.

Benefits of Strategic Trust-Building

  • Quality Craftsmanship: Building trust through careful selection ensures that you engage professionals committed to delivering high-quality craftsmanship aligned with the standards of your dental practice.
  • Timely Project Completion: Professionals with a proven track record are more likely to adhere to project timelines, preventing disruptions to your practice’s daily operations.
  • Financial Confidence: Fully screened professionals are less likely to surprise you with unexpected costs, providing financial confidence throughout the project.
  • Enhanced Patient Experience: A high-quality project contributes to a positive patient experience. Minimizing disruptions and maintaining a professional environment can positively impact patient perceptions.

Find out more about our Dental Buying Group to make sure you get the right suppliers and partners.


Did You Know?

  1. Patient Retention vs. Acquisition Costs: It is more cost-effective to retain an existing patient than to acquire a new one, with retention being up to five times less expensive than acquisition. This emphasizes the need for effective patient retention strategies that engage current patients while maintaining high standards of dental care​​.
    Source: Yapi
  2. Impact of Online Reviews: The average dental practice retains only 41% of new patients, and positive personal recommendations are the top reason patients choose one practice over another. This highlights the importance of word-of-mouth referrals and managing online reviews to enhance the practice’s reputation and patient retention​​.
    Source: Doctor Logic
  3. Dental Billing Errors and Costs: Patient acquisition can cost up to 25 times more than patient retention. Additionally, research shows that the average attrition rate in dentistry is 17%, indicating that focusing on patient retention can significantly impact a practice’s bottom line and efficiency​​.
    Source: Oral Health Group

Personality vs. Package

It’s crucial to build a team that not only has the right clinical skills but also works well together. Relying solely on personal qualities when hiring associates, nurses and front-of-house staff can lead to problems, even though a positive personality can improve the workplace. It’s essential you consider the whole package — skills, qualifications, and compatibility with the team — when making hiring decisions for a well-rounded and successful dental practice.

The Pitfalls of Personality-Driven Hiring

While having a positive and friendly personality is an asset, depending only on this quality during the hiring process may overlook essential factors for a successful dental practice. Hiring associates based mainly on personal qualities could result in a mismatch of skills, inadequate qualifications, and potential disruptions to the team’s collaboration.

Balancing Personality and Proficiency

  • Define Comprehensive Hiring Standards: Establish clear hiring standards that include the candidate’s personality, skills, qualifications, and compatibility with the team. Clearly outline the essential traits needed for success in the specific role.
  • Structured Screening: Plan a structured screening that evaluates both technical capabilities and interpersonal skills. Include scenario-based questions to assess how well the candidate can handle real-world problems in a dental practice setting.
  • Assessment of Skills and Qualifications: Give priority to evaluating a candidate’s qualifications and skills. Assess their education, training, and experience to ensure they have the necessary expertise to contribute positively to the clinical aspects of the practice.
  • Team Compatibility Assessment: Consider how well a candidate fits into the existing team dynamics. Evaluate their ability to collaborate, communicate, and contribute positively to the workplace. Team compatibility is crucial for maintaining a strong and pleasant practice culture.
  • Reference Checks: Verify the candidate’s past performance, work ethic, and collaborative ability through thorough reference checks. Insights from past colleagues or supervisors can provide valuable perspectives on the candidate’s overall package.

Benefits of Holistic Hiring

  • Enhanced Clinical Capability: Prioritizing skills and qualifications ensures that your team has the clinical expertise necessary to deliver top-notch patient care.
  • Efficient Team Dynamics: Considering team compatibility contributes to the creation of a workplace where team members collaborate seamlessly, improving overall practice efficiency.
  • Reduced Attrition: A comprehensive approach to hiring reduces the likelihood of mismatches between the candidate and the practice, ultimately lowering turnover rates and promoting team loyalty.
  • Positive Patient Connections: A well-rounded team, combining technical expertise and positive interpersonal skills, contributes to a positive patient experience, fostering patient loyalty and satisfaction.

Associates and Employment Tribunals

It’s crucial to understand and follow the details of employment classifications to avoid legal troubles. Failing to distinguish between associates and employees can lead to potential problems, especially ones that could end up in court. Let’s explore the importance of recognizing each team member’s specific status and following employment rules to ensure a legally sound and friendly dental practice environment.

The Complications of Getting it Wrong

Associates and employees have different legal positions with responsibilities, and not recognizing these differences can lead to serious consequences. Misclassifying team members can result in disputes about qualifications, benefits, and potential legal actions that might end up in court.

Navigating Employment Classifications

  • Understand Legal Distinctions: Learn about the legal differences between associates and employees. While employees have specific rights, entitlements, and legal protections, associates often work as independent contractors.
  • Review Employment Agreements: Clearly define the terms of engagement in employment contracts. Specify the nature of the relationship, whether it’s that of an associate or an employee, along with specific rights, responsibilities, and benefits.
  • Consult Legal Experts: Seek guidance from legal experts specializing in employment law or dental practice management. A legal expert can help you navigate the complexities of employment classifications, ensuring compliance with regulations.
  • Update Contracts Regularly: Keep employment contracts up to date to reflect any changes in the working relationship. This is crucial to adapt to evolving legal requirements and prevent potential mistakes.
  • Communicate Clearly: Be open and honest with team members about their employment status. Explain expectations, responsibilities, and any anticipated changes in their status to avoid confusion or dissatisfaction.
  • Prevention of Legal Disputes: Recognizing and adhering to legal distinctions prevents disputes about qualifications, benefits, and working conditions, reducing the likelihood of legal actions and court battles.
  • Employee Satisfaction: Clear communication and adherence to employment rules contribute to employee satisfaction, fostering a positive workplace and reducing turnover rates.
  • Upholding Practice Reputation: A legally compliant dental practice builds a positive reputation, both within the community and among patients. This can positively impact the practice’s standing locally.
  • Economic Stability: Avoiding legal disputes and court battles contributes to economic stability by preventing unexpected legal expenses and potential compensation payouts.

Read our article on Leadership Tips for Dentists.

Diversify Workload Distribution

How tasks are assigned among team members plays a crucial role in maintaining efficiency and preventing burnout. Making the mistake of concentrating all tasks in one place—unevenly assigning responsibilities—can lead to a host of problems affecting both your team’s well-being and the overall effectiveness of the practice. Let’s look at the importance of optimizing task distribution to create a fair and productive workplace.

The Pitfalls of Uneven Tasks

Unevenly assigning tasks, whether unintentionally or due to certain team members carrying most of the load, can result in setbacks, lowered morale, and increased burnout. It may lead to reduced job satisfaction, hindering the overall effectiveness of your dental practice.

Strategies for Task Optimization

  • Assess Individual Strengths: Understand the strengths and skills of each team member. Evaluate their abilities, experience, and preferences to align tasks with their resources, promoting efficiency and job satisfaction.
  • Regularly Review Tasks: Periodically review the task distribution among team members. Ensure that no one is consistently overloaded while others have lighter workloads. Regular assessments allow for adjustments as needed.
  • Encourage Open Communication: Create an open and communicative environment where team members feel comfortable discussing their tasks. Encouraging feedback ensures a collaborative approach to managing workloads, addressing concerns proactively.
  • Cross-Training Opportunities: Provide cross-training opportunities to team members to expand their skill sets. This not only prevents your team from relying too heavily on a few individuals but also makes them more adaptable.
  • Implement Efficient Scheduling: Promote efficient scheduling practices that evenly distribute patient appointments and tasks throughout the week. Avoid creating peaks and valleys in workload that can lead to stress and setbacks.

Benefits of Task Optimization

  • Increased Efficiency: Distributing workloads diversely contributes to overall practice efficiency by preventing bottlenecks and ensuring a steady flow of tasks.
  • Prevention of Burnout: Evenly dispersing tasks prevents burnout by avoiding the fatigue and stress associated with consistently heavy workloads.
  • Improved Job Satisfaction: Team members who feel that their tasks are fair and balanced are likely to experience higher job satisfaction, fostering a positive work culture.
  • Optimized Use of Resources: Utilizing the unique strengths of each team member enhances resource utilization, leading to a more efficient and effective dental practice.

Rushed Recruitment Practices

Hiring new team members is a critical step that can significantly impact the success and unity of the team. Rushed recruitment, driven by the urgency to quickly fill positions, can lead to hiring individuals who may not align with the values and goals of the practice. 

The Pitfalls of Rushed Hiring

When the recruitment process is hurried, there’s a risk of hiring individuals who lack the necessary skills, cultural fit, or long-term commitment to effectively contribute to the success of the dental practice. This rushed approach can result in increased turnover, decreased camaraderie, and potential disruptions to patient care.

Strategies for Comprehensive Recruitment

  • Clearly Define Hiring Needs: Clearly articulate the specific requirements and qualifications for the position before starting the recruitment process. Outline the skills, qualifications, and attributes essential for success in the role.
  • Develop Detailed Job Descriptions: Create detailed job descriptions that outline the responsibilities of the position and provide insights into the practice’s culture, values, and expectations. This attracts candidates who resonate with the overall ethos of the practice.
  • Implement an Organized Screening: Establish a well-organized interview process that assesses the candidate’s compatibility with the values of the practice as well as their technical skills. Use behavioural and situational questions to gain insights into their independent direction and problem-solving abilities.
  • Use Multiple Assessment Tools: Go beyond traditional interviews by incorporating other assessment tools like skills assessments, situational judgment tests, and personality evaluations. This multi-layered approach provides a more comprehensive understanding of the candidate’s suitability.
  • Thoroughly Examine References: Conduct thorough reference checks with former employers or coworkers to learn more about the candidate’s work ethic, interpersonal skills, and overall performance in previous roles.
  • Be Patient and Specific: Resist the temptation to rush the recruitment process. Be patient and specific, waiting for candidates who not only meet the technical requirements but also align with the culture and values of the dental practice.

The Benefits of Thorough Hiring

  • Enhanced Team Cohesion: Thorough recruitment ensures that new team members align with the existing team’s values and work closely towards shared goals, fostering a positive workplace.
  • Reduced Attrition: Carefully selecting candidates who are a good fit for the practice can save time and resources associated with frequent recruitment.
  • Increased Job Satisfaction: Team members who align with the practice’s values are likely to experience higher job satisfaction, contributing to overall morale and productivity.
  • Consistent Patient Experience: Patients’ confidence in the dental team is strengthened when they are hired by individuals who share the practice’s core values.

Avoid Team Dependency

The success of a practice is closely tied to the strength and diversity of its team. Relying too much on a few key team members can pose significant risks to the practice’s stability and adaptability. Avoiding team dependence and instead building a well-rounded team with diverse skills and qualities ensures flexibility in the face of unexpected challenges.

The Pitfalls of Depending Too Much on a Few

Heavily depending on a few key team members, while seeming efficient in the short term, can lead to vulnerabilities when these individuals are unavailable or encounter unexpected challenges. Team dependence poses risks to continuity, efficiency, and the overall adaptability of the practice.

Strategies to Avoid Team Dependence

  • Identify Key Skills and Roles: Clearly identify the essential skills and roles necessary for the smooth operation of the practice. Ensure that no single team member possesses exclusive knowledge or skills critical to essential functions.
  • Cross-Train Team Members: Implement cross-training programs to enhance the skill set of team members. This ensures that multiple individuals are proficient in key areas, reducing reliance on specific individuals.
  • Encourage Knowledge Sharing: Cultivate a culture of knowledge sharing within the team. Encourage team members to share their expertise, insights, and best practices, promoting a collaborative environment.
  • Establish Clear Protocols and Procedures: Develop clear protocols and procedures for key tasks and responsibilities. This documentation ensures that tasks can be seamlessly assigned or taken over by other team members in case of absence or unforeseen circumstances.
  • Regular Team Meetings: Conduct regular team meetings to discuss ongoing projects, challenges, and opportunities. This improves communication and ensures that all team members are aware of current initiatives and responsibilities.
  • Foster Leadership Development: Promote the development of leadership skills among team members. Cultivate a team culture where individuals are empowered to take on leadership roles when needed, distributing decision-making responsibilities.

Benefits of Avoiding Team Dependence

  • Continuity of Operations: Even when certain team members are unavailable, practice operations can continue to run smoothly due to the diversification of skills and responsibilities.
  • Enhanced Adaptability: A well-rounded team with diverse skills is more adaptable to changes, challenges, and unexpected events that may impact day-to-day operations.
  • Reduced Vulnerability: By avoiding team dependence, the practice becomes less vulnerable to disruptions caused by vacations, sick leaves, or unexpected departures of key team members.
  • Improved Team Morale: An equitable distribution of responsibilities and acknowledgment of each team member’s contribution enhances team morale and fosters a positive workplace.

Not Keeping an Eye on the Finances

Keeping an eye on finances is crucial for long-term success and sustainability. Ignoring careful financial management, especially in the early stages of the practice, can strain resources and hinder the achievement of practice goals. Being mindful of spending, creating realistic budgets, and avoiding unnecessary expenses helps to ensure financial security.

The Pitfalls of Ignoring Financial Prudence

Overlooking the financials can lead to overspending, budget overruns, and financial strain, especially in the developmental stages of a dental practice. This oversight may compromise the practice’s ability to grow strategically, invest in essential resources, and withstand unforeseen financial challenges.

Financial Prudence Strategies

  • Create a Realistic Budget: Develop a comprehensive and realistic budget that covers all aspects of your dental practice, including equipment, staffing, marketing, and other expenses. Ensure that your budget aligns with your practice’s short-term and long-term goals.
  • Regularly Monitor Financial Performance: Establish regular financial analysis and monitoring. Track income, expenses, and key performance indicators to identify trends and areas where adjustments may be necessary.
  • Prioritize Essential Expenditures: Prioritize essential expenditures that directly contribute to the quality of patient care and the efficiency of practice operations. Invest wisely in equipment, technology, and training that enhance the overall patient experience.
  • Avoid Impulse Buys: Resist the temptation of impulse purchases. Evaluate the necessity and long-term value of any investment before committing financial resources, ensuring that each expense aligns with your practice’s objectives.
  • Negotiate Vendor Agreements: Negotiate vendor agreements to secure favourable terms and pricing for essential supplies and services. Regularly review contracts to identify potential cost-saving opportunities.
  • Prepare for Emergencies: Include a contingency fund in your budget for emergencies or unforeseen costs. Planning for contingencies provides a financial safety net and mitigates the impact of unexpected challenges.

Benefits of Financial Prudence

  • Positioning for Financial Stability: Implementing financial prudence ensures a stable and secure financial position for your dental practice, allowing for strategic planning and growth.
  • Sustainable Growth: Careful financial management supports sustainable growth, enabling your practice to invest in essential resources and seize critical opportunities as they arise.
  • Reduced Financial Stress: By avoiding unnecessary expenses and adhering to a well-planned budget, you reduce financial stress and create a more resilient practice.
  • Boost in Profitability: Minimizing unnecessary expenditures and optimizing resource allocation efficiency, financial prudence contributes to improved profitability.

Check out our articles and webinars on finance for dentists.

Not Seeking Professional Advice

Getting expert advice is essential to run your practice. If a practice doesn’t realize how crucial it is to seek guidance, especially in legal and financial matters, it might end up facing problems that could have been avoided. A great dentist isn’t necessarily a great business owner, so it’s crucial you get the advice of those who are.

The Pitfall of Underestimating Professional Guidance

Underestimating the need for professional advice in legal and financial matters might lead to non-compliance with rules, legal disputes, financial mismanagement, and missed opportunities for strategic growth. Ignoring expert guidance can disrupt the overall success and sustainability of a dental practice.

Approaches for Seeking Professional Counsel

  • Establish an Expert Network: Identify and connect with professionals specializing in dental practice management, including legal advisors, accountants, and financial experts. Build a network of experts who understand the specific challenges and regulations of the dental industry.
  • Regular Consultations: Schedule regular consultations with legal and financial experts to review the operational and financial aspects of your practice. This proactive approach allows you to address issues before they escalate.
  • Compliance Audits: Conduct compliance audits with the assistance of legal experts to ensure that your practice adheres to industry standards, ethical norms, and legal requirements. Identify and rectify any potential compliance gaps.
  • Financial Planning and Strategy: Collaborate with financial advisors to develop a comprehensive financial plan and strategy for your dental practice. This includes budgeting, tax planning, investment strategies, and long-term financial goals.
  • Stay Informed on Industry Changes: Legal and financial landscapes evolve, and staying informed is crucial. Rely on the expertise of professionals to keep you updated on industry changes, new regulations, and best practices that may impact your practice.
  • Address Legal Issues Promptly: Utilize the advice of legal professionals to address legal issues as soon as they arise. Delaying or mishandling legal issues can lead to more significant challenges and financial implications.

Benefits of Seeking Professional Advice

  • Risk Mitigation: Professional advice identifies and mitigates potential risks, ensuring that your dental practice operates within legal and regulatory boundaries.
  • Financial Stability: Financial experts contribute to the stability of your practice by providing sound financial advice, helping you make informed decisions aligned with your business goals.
  • Legal Compliance: Legal professionals ensure that your practice complies with industry standards, preventing legal issues and safeguarding your reputation.
  • Strategic Insights: With the assistance of expert guidance, you can overcome obstacles and capitalize on favourable market conditions, opening doors to strategic growth opportunities.

Book a free consultation with us to find out how we and our partners can help.

Not Embracing Technology and Marketing:

Using technology and adopting effective marketing strategies are crucial for staying competitive and enhancing online visibility. Neglecting technological advancements and marketing efforts can result in missed opportunities for practice growth and patient engagement. This section explores the importance of embracing technology, regularly updating your website, and considering early implementation of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising to propel your dental practice into the digital age.

The Risks of Ignoring Technology

A dental practice may stagnate if it doesn’t embrace technology and leverage the potential of digital marketing. In today’s digital era, patients often seek information online, and a lack of technological integration can lead to reduced visibility, patient engagement, and competitiveness.

Strategies for Marketing and Technology Integration

  • Regular Website Updates: Ensure your practice’s website is regularly updated to reflect current information, services, and any advancements in technology or treatments. An informative and user-friendly website is crucial for attracting and retaining patients.
  • Implement Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Consider the early adoption of PPC advertising to boost your practice’s online visibility. Well-executed PPC campaigns can increase website traffic, attract new patients, and provide measurable results.
  • Adopt Electronic Health Records (EHR): Embrace Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems for efficient patient management, streamlined workflows, and enhanced communication within your practice. EHR systems contribute to improved patient care and operational efficiency.
  • Leverage Telehealth Solutions: Explore telehealth solutions to offer virtual consultations, follow-ups, and patient education. Telehealth can be a valuable addition to your practice’s service offerings, making it easier for patients to access healthcare remotely.
  • Utilize Social Media Marketing: Social media platforms provide a robust channel for patient communication and community building. Social media marketing is an effective way to connect with your audience, share valuable content, and showcase your practice’s expertise.
  • Implement Online Appointment Scheduling: Online appointment scheduling can simplify the scheduling process for your practice and make it more convenient for patients. This technology can enhance patient satisfaction and practice efficiency.

Benefits of Embracing Innovation and Marketing

  • Enhanced Online Visibility: Regular website updates and digital marketing efforts contribute to improved online visibility, attracting potential patients and retaining existing ones.
  • Competitive Advantage: Embracing technology gives your practice a competitive edge by staying up to date with industry trends, demonstrating innovation, and meeting the expectations of tech-savvy patients.
  • Improved Patient Engagement: Technological advancements, such as telehealth and online scheduling, increase patient engagement by providing accessible and user-friendly healthcare options.
  • Measurable Marketing ROI: PPC advertising offers measurable return on investment, allowing you to track the success of your marketing campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

In conclusion, successfully managing a dental practice requires a strategic and holistic approach. By avoiding these common mistakes and adopting best practices, you can cultivate a thriving and resilient dental practice that provides excellent patient care and stands the test of time.


Check out our articles and webinars on digital marketing for dentists.

Mistakes to Avoid When Running a Dental Practice FAQ

What are the top mistakes dentists make when running a practice?

Dentists often make key mistakes when running a practice, such as poor financial management, neglecting patient feedback, and overlooking marketing. Other common errors include under-investing in technology, over-relying on key staff, and failing to track key performance indicators (KPIs). Additionally, poor hiring decisions, ignoring competition, and lack of a clear business plan can hinder growth. Emphasizing continuous education, improving operational efficiency, and building strong supplier relationships are crucial for long-term success.

How can poor financial management affect a dental practice?

Poor financial management can severely affect a dental practice by leading to cash flow issues, inability to cover operational costs, and difficulties in making necessary investments in technology, staff, or marketing. It can also cause problems with loan repayment, tax compliance, and long-term business growth. Failure to manage finances effectively may result in reduced profitability, forcing the practice to cut corners, which could negatively impact patient care and overall service quality.

Why is neglecting marketing a mistake for dental practices?

Neglecting marketing is a critical mistake for dental practices because it limits visibility and growth. Without effective marketing, practices miss opportunities to attract new patients, engage with current ones, and differentiate themselves from competitors. Additionally, in today’s digital age, an absence of online presence and strategic outreach can cause practices to fall behind, reducing patient trust and referrals. Successful marketing helps maintain a steady patient flow, boosts revenue, and strengthens the brand.

What role does technology play in dental practice success?

Technology plays a crucial role in dental practice success by improving patient care, streamlining operations, and enhancing marketing efforts. Digital tools such as practice management software, online appointment systems, and advanced diagnostic equipment help practices run more efficiently. Additionally, using social media, online reviews, and SEO can boost patient engagement and attract new clients. Embracing the latest dental technologies also keeps practices competitive, ensuring better treatment outcomes and patient satisfaction.

How can over-reliance on staff harm a dental practice?

Over-reliance on key staff members can harm a dental practice by creating vulnerabilities if those individuals leave or are unavailable. It can lead to operational disruptions, decreased productivity, and a loss of institutional knowledge. This dependence may also cause stress among the remaining team and hinder growth if tasks and responsibilities aren’t properly delegated or shared. Cross-training and building a resilient team are essential to ensure the practice runs smoothly at all times.

What hiring mistakes should dental practices avoid?

Dental practices should avoid several hiring mistakes, such as not thoroughly vetting candidates, hiring based solely on technical skills without considering cultural fit, and rushing the hiring process. Additionally, failing to provide clear job descriptions and neglecting proper onboarding can lead to staff dissatisfaction and high turnover. Practices should also avoid underestimating the importance of personality, as a positive patient experience often hinges on staff communication and professionalism.

How does failing to track KPIs impact a dental practice?

Failing to track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) can negatively impact a dental practice by leaving the business blind to its financial health, patient satisfaction, and operational efficiency. Without clear data on revenue, patient retention, treatment acceptance rates, and overhead costs, practices may struggle to identify areas for improvement, set strategic goals, or make informed decisions. Regularly monitoring KPIs helps ensure long-term growth and stability.

Why is ignoring patient feedback a mistake?

Ignoring patient feedback is a mistake because it prevents a dental practice from understanding patient needs, improving services, and addressing concerns. Patient feedback offers valuable insights into areas such as wait times, staff interactions, and treatment satisfaction. Without this input, a practice may lose patients to competitors who are more responsive to their concerns. Regularly gathering and acting on feedback helps enhance patient experience, build loyalty, and improve overall service quality.

How can improper supplier relationships hurt dental practices?

Improper supplier relationships can hurt dental practices by leading to inflated costs, unreliable product deliveries, or subpar quality supplies. Without strong, trustworthy partnerships, a practice may face frequent disruptions in operations, increased expenses, or even legal issues if products don’t meet regulatory standards. Additionally, lacking transparency in these relationships can lead to poor decision-making when it comes to purchasing, ultimately affecting the practice’s bottom line and service quality.

What are the risks of not having a business plan for a dental practice?

Not having a business plan for a dental practice can lead to unclear goals, poor financial management, and inefficient operations. It increases the risk of overspending, underestimating competition, and missing growth opportunities. Without a clear plan, practices may struggle with cash flow, staffing, and patient retention. A solid business plan provides direction, sets measurable objectives, and helps in making informed decisions for long-term success.

Why is continuing education important for dental practice owners?

Continuing education is important for dental practice owners to stay updated with the latest advancements in dental technology, treatment techniques, and regulatory changes. It helps improve patient care, enhances business practices, and ensures the practice remains competitive in an evolving industry. Additionally, continuous learning can boost professional development and staff training, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes and practice growth.

What marketing strategies should dental practices prioritize?

Dental practices should prioritize digital marketing strategies such as search engine optimization (SEO) to improve online visibility, social media marketing to engage with current and potential patients, and email campaigns to retain patient loyalty. Investing in a user-friendly website with online booking capabilities is also crucial. Additionally, gathering and promoting patient reviews helps build credibility and attract new clients. Paid ads on platforms like Google and Facebook can further drive targeted traffic.

How does patient retention affect the growth of a dental practice?

Patient retention is crucial for the growth of a dental practice as it ensures a stable revenue stream, reduces the costs associated with acquiring new patients, and increases word-of-mouth referrals. Loyal patients are more likely to schedule regular treatments, accept high-value services, and refer others, contributing to consistent growth. A high retention rate also reflects patient satisfaction and trust, which are key drivers for long-term success in the competitive dental industry.

What are the consequences of underestimating competition in dentistry?

Underestimating competition in dentistry can lead to a loss of patients, reduced revenue, and stagnant growth. Competitors who invest more in marketing, technology, and patient care can attract your patients, especially if they offer superior services or pricing. Ignoring competition can also result in missed opportunities to improve your practice, refine your services, and stay current with industry trends. Staying aware of competitors helps maintain a competitive edge and ensures long-term success.

How can dental practices improve their operational efficiency?

Dental practices can improve operational efficiency by streamlining administrative tasks through practice management software, automating appointment scheduling, and utilizing digital patient records. Efficient delegation of tasks, cross-training staff, and regularly analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs) can further optimize workflow. Embracing technology like digital imaging and online billing systems enhances both patient experience and internal processes. Effective communication, regular staff training, and ongoing evaluation of procedures also contribute to smoother operations.

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For more information on growing a dental practice, check out the articles and webinars in our Learning Centre, like our guide on How to Grow a Dental Practice.

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Reviewed By:

Arun Mehra

Arun Mehra

Samera CEO

Arun, CEO of Samera, is an experienced accountant and dental practice owner. He specialises in accountancy, financial directorship, squat practices and practice management.

Retaining New Dental Patients

Every dental practice needs to attract and retain new dental patients in order to secure the revenue required to grow. Knowing how to do this is mostly common sense, but there are some essential points that it can be easy to forget when distracted by the setting up and day to day running of a dental surgery.

A good first impression is vital

It’s very difficult to get back on track once a bad first impression has been made. It’s important that staff are reminded to be professional and courteous at all times. This can be difficult, if there are things on their mind, but it’s an essential part of the job.

The waiting area you provide is also important, when it comes to making a good impression on new patients. It should be welcoming and friendly. It may be a good idea to use extras, such as plants, a children’s play zone or a fish tank, to make people feel more at home. This type of environment is especially important for any patient who is nervous on their first visit to the surgery.

Action Point

Creating a positive first impression is crucial for dental practices, as it sets the tone for the patient’s entire experience. Staff should always maintain professionalism and courtesy, regardless of any personal distractions. Additionally, the waiting area should be inviting and comfortable, with amenities like plants, a children’s play area, or a fish tank to help patients feel at ease. This is particularly important for nervous patients, ensuring they feel welcomed and relaxed during their visit.

Be engaging with patients

There is a fine line between remaining professional and developing a rapport with patients. Obviously, no dental professional wants to be best friends with everyone they meet, but some friendly interaction is a good thing. For instance, if a patient has mentioned moving to a new home when they last visited, it may be a good idea to ask how they have settled in.

No-one expects dental professionals to remember every detail about every patient but even asking about little things can make a patient feel more like a person that matters and not just a number. There are few things worse for a nervous patient than visiting a dentist who seems distant and uninterested, so it’s worth making the effort.

Action Point

Building a rapport with patients is essential for creating a comfortable and trusting environment in dental practices. While maintaining professionalism, it’s important to engage with patients on a personal level. This can include remembering details about their lives and asking about their well-being, such as inquiring about their recent move to a new home. These small gestures show patients that they are valued individuals, not just numbers, and can help alleviate nervousness during dental visits.

Use friendly prompts

Like any business, it’s a good idea for a dental practice to maintain contact with patients. People have busy lives, and they tend to put actions like going to the dentist to the bottom of the pile. It’s a good idea to remind patients that it’s time to book an appointment for a check-up. Do not be too demanding; a brief and friendly phone call, text or email will do. The rest is up to them.

Action Point

Maintaining regular communication with patients through friendly prompts, such as phone calls or emails, is key to ensuring they stay engaged with your practice and prioritize their oral health. These reminders help patients feel cared for without being overly intrusive.

Monitor patient retention

Playing it by ear, when it comes to patient retention, does not work. It’s important to monitor retention rates. A dental professional who is looking to scale their practice needs to aim for high retention rights, as well as attracting new patients. If retention rates are down at 50-60% then it’s really time to worry. There is obviously a problem that is causing people to look elsewhere for dental treatment.

The best way to determine if any improvements are required, to the practice environment, patient care or treatment, is to ask the patients themselves. Regular patient surveys are a good idea, and can identify issues that may not be apparent to the team at the practice. They are especially important if there is obviously an issue with retention.

It’s impossible to grow a dental practice without retaining new dental patients, so careful consideration of these points is essential.

Action Point

Monitoring patient retention rates is crucial for dental practices aiming to scale their operations. Retention rates below 50-60% signal potential issues driving patients to seek treatment elsewhere. Regular patient surveys help identify underlying problems, guiding improvements to practice environment, care, and treatment, ultimately fostering growth.

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The importance of remarketing

Remarketing means marketing specifically to people who have interacted with your business in some way. Remarketing is essential to every business (not just dental practices) when it comes to building a relationship with a new customer and ensuring they return.

One of the ways you can market to people who have interacted with your business in some way (known in marketing and sales circles as warm audiences) is to send them Facebook and Google ads.

Both Facebook and Google give you the option to only show certain ads to people who have been on specific pages. For instance, you can show Invisalign ads only to people who have visited your Invisalign pages.

Another way to remarket is to upload your patient email list to Facebook. This way, if they have a Facebook account you will be able to send them ads, keep your brand in their mind and notify them of any updates, offers or discounts.

Action Point

Remarketing is vital for fostering connections with potential customers and enticing their return. By using platforms like Facebook and Google, businesses can target tailored ads to individuals who have engaged with their brand previously, enhancing personalization. Uploading patient email lists to platforms like Facebook further facilitates ongoing communication, ensuring patients stay informed about updates, promotions, or discounts.

You can find out more about using PPC to remarket here.

Grow Your Dental Practice with Samera

Join the Samera Alliance buying group today for free to save money on your consumables and assets, increase your profits and grow your dental practice.

You’ll get access to exclusive discounts on the consumables, products and equipment you need to build and grow your dental practice. You’ll also get exclusive discounts from our Alliance Partners, covering everything from HR, IT and legal services to utilities, compliance and dental technology.

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More on Growing a Dental Practice

For more information on growing a dental practice, check out the articles and webinars in our Learning Centre, like our guide on How to Grow a Dental Practice.

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Reviewed By:

Arun Mehra

Arun Mehra

Samera CEO

Arun, CEO of Samera, is an experienced accountant and dental practice owner. He specialises in accountancy, financial directorship, squat practices and practice management.