Refinancing During COVID-19

Can refinancing help your cash flow?

It has always been difficult for business owners to predict when issues will arise in their operations. What’s more, they are usually on the lookout for internal issues that crop up within their own business.

However, in the last few months, all businesses have been hit by a global issue that has occurred outside of their business through no fault of their own. Not only that, but the impact itself has been absolutely huge across the board. 

The important thing now is how businesses face this issue and deal with the challenges it raises.

So what should I do?

Having worked through 3 recessions, a global meltdown and now COVID-19, the advice is act now, not later.

It is essential that businesses plan for their immediate and long-term futures through detailed and thought-out business plans and cash flow strategies.

You need to look at your assets and decide what is essential to your business and what is surplus to requirements.

Click here to find out more about Asset Finance.

So how do I do that?

  1. Review your past business  
  2. What assets do I need and what don’t I need
  3. What can I change in my costs
  4. What can I change in my income 

So, what does this all mean?

  1. Obtain up-to-date management information on what your business has been doing and complete the accounts for the year early. Where did custom  come from in terms of sales channels and market demographics? What services or products were in demand? Was demand seasonal or dependent on external factors? 
  2. Review your previous plans for buying. Do you need that new car this year? Do you need some new equipment to deal with the changes? Are you going to need more supplies or inventory? 
  3. What costs can you change? Review your outgoings and find the reasonable savings that can be made.
  4. Can I change my income. Can you raise your prices? What can you offer to make your returning customers convert or purchase more often? What products or services can you upsell to them?

Your accountants and/or business advisors will be able to help in providing management and accounting figures. It is important that you use accountants and advisors who have experience in your industry.

You need to look seriously at what you intended to buy. Do you need it now, is it essential to your business operations? How were you going to finance this or were you buying this cash? How does your plan to purchase affect your cash flow projections? What do you need going forward to deal with social distancing etc.

Review all your costs. You will not be able to change a lot of them. But most businesses will be able to make some savings in some areas – and these can add really up! 

Cash is King

An incredibly old phrase but one that is true in times of trouble – if you have cash you can usually weather a downturn.

The cost of finance

Finance costs feature in most businesses, either to assist with acquisition or to assist with growth projects, existing equipment purchases and future purchases.

This is one cost that most people do not look at once they have taken the finance. However, circumstances change so these should be reviewed regularly.

Are you paying too much for your goodwill loan?

What rate and payment are you making on asset finance?

Could you restructure your borrowing to make it more cost-effective?

Review your own home mortgage as well, make sure you are getting the best rate!

Questions we are asked to help with

  1. I have short term debt that I took to cover a cash flow issue last year which is expensive, can I refinance? Yes
  2. My business acquisition/start-up loan has a high interest rate, can I refinance the goodwill now? Yes
  3. Can I buy my premises? Yes
  4. Is my asset finance rate competitive? Can I change? Yes
  5. I have lots of asset finance, could I change this to a goodwill loan at a lower rate? Yes

These (and a lot more) are asked during normal times. Looking forward, you may need to finance new equipment, cover a period of reduced income or make changes to your practice.

We are happy to have a discussion with you about your needs and whether any changes can be made that will reduce costs.

Action Plan

  • Act Early: Plan for both immediate and long-term business strategies, including cash flow management.
  • Asset Review: Assess your business assets to identify essential needs versus surplus, potentially freeing up resources or identifying refinancing opportunities.
  • Cost Management: Examine and adjust costs where possible, focusing on essential spending to maintain operations efficiently.
  • Income Adjustment: Explore opportunities to adjust pricing or enhance offerings to boost income, considering customer conversion and upselling strategies.
  • Financial Review: Regularly review finance costs and explore refinancing options to ensure they remain cost-effective, including loans, asset finance, and mortgages.

Click here to read our blog on How to finance a healthcare business.

Surviving a Financial Crisis

Our healthcare business consultants are experts at helping medical health providers and their businesses survive a financial crisis. We can help with cash flow management, raising finance and optimising your accounts and tax structure.

Book a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our team to find out more about how we can help you and your business.

For more information financial crises and your business, including more articles, videos and webinars check out our Learning Centre here.

Make sure you never miss any of our articles, webinars, videos or events by following us on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.

Reviewed By:

Arun Mehra

Arun Mehra

Samera CEO

Arun, CEO of Samera, is an experienced accountant and dental practice owner. He specialises in accountancy, financial directorship, squat practices and practice management.

COVID-19 and the Healthcare Industry: What has Changed?

We are all aware of the challenges and issues that COVID-19 has thrown up for businesses with its impact on cash flow, income and costs. Businesses are having to change the way they work and deal with clients, customers and suppliers. Additionally, they are having to consider the costs of this, as well as the costs of purchasing additional equipment, whether that be PPE or equipment to facilitate new ways of working. 

Lenders have been besieged with applications form their client base for CBILS and Bounce Back Loans and they have had to deal with an ever-changing lending criterion introduced to them by a third party.

Governments have reacted to the challenge with financial packages, tax deferments and furlough schemes unheard of in our lifetime.

What about commercial finance brokers?

But what about the Brokers, how has this affected them?

Aside from the obvious impacts in some firms of furloughing staff, suddenly there’s no more hot desking, suddenly there’s working from home and Zoom calls instead of meetings. What other challenges are they facing and what challenges are yet to appear?

With some lenders closing their doors to new business and others dealing with a large client base seeking assistance – how has that affected brokers?

Our experience of this is that it has been more difficult (but not impossible) to place business, especially in the property market, as firms reduced capacity and some changed lending criteria. The good thing is that is now being reversed, with valuers starting to go out again and firms opening and now, in some cases, increasing their lending criteria. 

Action Point

COVID-19 has challenged commercial finance brokers to adapt to remote work, navigate tighter lending criteria, and find ways to place business amid changing market conditions.

COVID-19 and the healthcare industry

In the healthcare market, most clients have put purchases on hold. The good news is that they are on hold, not cancelled, and these will proceed now with the sector returning to work. 

If we look at the dental sector as an example, the period for which dental practices have been closed has, in some cases, proved useful for the dentists. It has allowed them time (which they generally do not have)  to review and reflect on what they want from their careers and whether they want to buy, sell or start up a practice.

For us as Brokers, this has resulted in a high number of enquiries and conversations around what they can obtain in the way of finance, and a lot of conversations around the steps required to start a practice. 

Action Point

The COVID-19 pandemic has led many in the healthcare sector, especially dentists, to pause and reconsider their career paths, resulting in increased inquiries about finance options for buying, selling, or starting a practice.

Samera continues to raise finance for healthcare.

We at Samera worked with 6 clients last year to set up squat dental practices, providing them with guidance as to what they needed to do to be successful. This has enabled them, with the assistance of bounce back loans, to weather the crisis. Since the pandemic, we have now started working with another 4 clients to establish squats.

Completions on business purchases have continued and enquiries regarding new purchases have been slow but are now picking up quickly, with several new purchases now ongoing.

So, overall things are good. The main challenge to brokers at present is the focus of the lenders. For a long period while dealing with CBILS and bounce back loans, the major healthcare lenders were focused on dealing with their customer base and the applications they were receiving from them to assist them with their cash flow issue. 

Most lenders are now open for new business but one or two are still not able to deal with non-banked applications, as their credit teams are still dealing with the Covid issues. This will change over the next few weeks and business will be returned to normal.

Action Point

Samera has successfully assisted six clients in establishing squat dental practices last year, and four more since the pandemic, utilizing bounce-back loans to navigate the crisis. Business purchases continue, with a resurgence in inquiries and ongoing transactions, signaling a positive trend. The main challenge for brokers is lender focus, with many initially preoccupied with CBILS and bounce-back loans. Most lenders are now open for new business, though a few are still adjusting, expecting a return to normal operations soon.

What are the challenges going forward?

So, what will be the challenges going forward? Will lenders have the same appetite for the healthcare sector that they had pre-Covid 19? Will the impact of social distancing, the need for new equipment and the constraints put on time bring a big change to the market?

The sector will always be needed, demand will be high and over the past few years has been growing substantially. New entrants to the market due to the demand and profitability of the sector will always be there. Once businesses adapt to the new way of working, they will again be successful. 

Review your business

What is needed is a review of how you work in healthcare and what you need to go forward. Do you need to borrow to buy new equipment, fund changes to your business premises, whichever part of the sector you work in? Businesses need to work with their accountants and advisors to gauge the impact on their business and act now to ensure they can deal with those changes. 

Brokers have the contacts within the banking industry to assist businesses and ensure that they get the right finance in the right structure. Use the experience of the brokers, especially those with extensive banking experience, as they know how the lenders think and what they need.

Action Points

  • Adapt and Invest: Healthcare businesses must adapt to new operational standards post-COVID-19 by investing in necessary equipment and modifying premises to comply with health guidelines.
  • Strategic Planning: Conduct a thorough review of business operations with the help of accountants and advisors to gauge the pandemic’s impact and prepare for future changes.
  • Secure Financing: Utilize the expertise of brokers with banking experience to secure financing for essential investments, ensuring the business can adapt and grow in the new normal.

Click here to read our article on How to finance a healthcare business.

Surviving a Financial Crisis

Our healthcare business consultants are experts at helping medical health providers and their businesses survive a financial crisis. We can help with cash flow management, raising finance and optimising your accounts and tax structure.

Book a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our team to find out more about how we can help you and your business.

For more information financial crises and your business, including more articles, videos and webinars check out our Learning Centre here.

Make sure you never miss any of our articles, webinars, videos or events by following us on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.

Financial Tactics During COVID-19

With the Coronavirus pandemic causing lock downs across the world, businesses in almost all industries are struggling to stay afloat. It is more important than ever that businesses are pro-actively working to save money and protect themselves financially.

With many businesses unable to to open their doors and trade, it can feel like there is very little to be done except wait for lock downs to lift.

Now is not the time to to wait, now is the time for action.

In this webinar, we’re taking a look at some of the financial tactics and strategies that businesses need to be considering at the moment to survive lock down.

More Financial Tactics During COVID-19

11 Top Tips to Manage Your Cash Flow During COVID-19

It is essential that you properly plan and manage your cash flow to be able to pay your bills and grow your business. Use these tips to help manage and mitigate any cash flow issues you may be experiencing.

Read the blog.

Financial Templates

We have tried to make raising finance for your business as easy as possible for you. With that in mind, please feel free to download these templates for vital financial documents that you will need to raise and manage finance in your business.

Download the templates.

Surviving a Financial Crisis

Our healthcare business consultants are experts at helping medical health providers and their businesses survive a financial crisis. We can help with cash flow management, raising finance and optimising your accounts and tax structure.

Book a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our team to find out more about how we can help you and your business.

For more information financial crises and your business, including more articles, videos and webinars check out our Learning Centre here.

Make sure you never miss any of our articles, webinars, videos or events by following us on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.

Dental Valuations 2.0

In this webinar Arun discusses the valuation of UK dental practices and how he believes they have fallen by up to 40% due to the current COVID 19 crisis.

Sell your Dental Practice with Samera

If you’re thinking about selling your dental practice then Samera can help make sure that you find the right buyer and the best price for your business. If you want to get the best price possible when you sell your dental practice, you need to build the value and grow the revenue to ensure you get the best return on your investment.

Book your free consultation to find out how you can grow the value of your practice before you sell.

More on Selling a Dental Practice

For more information please check out the articles and webinars in the selling a dental practice section of our Learning Centre, like our guide on How to Sell a Dental Practice in 9 Steps.

For all our previous articles, webinars and video updates, subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Dentistry In 2020: The Year Of Collaboration

On the 17th March, 2020, my wife Smita closed her private dental practices, like many, due to COVID 19. Just before she left her Wandsworth practice, the telephone rang, and it was somebody wanting to buy her successful private dental practices.

Metaphorically, the paint had not even dried, yet someone had the gall to say “I know dental practices are struggling right now, would you like to sell yours?” – Unbelievable.

Smita being Smita, was shrewd enough to find out who the buyers were and understand their cunning plan, and once she had gathered enough information, she let rip.

It’s safe to say they won’t be calling soon again.

Since then, I have heard from other clients experiencing similar stories too.


Well there are well financed investors, sitting on cash, ready to invest into dentistry, during COVID 19. They are seeking fearful scared dentists wanting to make a rushed exit during these troubled times.

Some of you may be tempted, but before you do, hold fire.

If your practice was struggling, or you were planning to retire soon pre COVID 19, fair enough, it may be an opportunity to exit, but if your practice was growing and flourishing it’s pretty likely you will be taken to the cleaners.

Post COVID 19

The very recent survey carried out by the BDA highlights the concerns of dentists of the financial viability of their dental practices post COVID 19. Many feel they may not be financially viable by the time the lockdown has ended.

In contrast, in the last few years, investors have been piling into the Dental market (globally) and its pretty likely this will continue, even in a new era of dentistry.

No doubt, infection control procedures will change, and funding will be required to make the necessary changes, but once the lockdown ends, I expect it’s going to be busy in dental practice. People still need dentists, not cruise holidays, so whilst the type of dentistry you may be doing will differ, there will be a need and expect demand to be strong.

So why would you sell a successful business, just because of a 3-6 month sabbatical? You wouldn’t unless you were getting top dollar.

I would urge you to resist the temptation to sell at a discounted price, just to get out of dentistry. The vultures are out to try and obtain a deal, but it’s important you hold your ground, and come back strong once you re-open, as you will re-open.

Working Together

As someone who has been entrenched in dentistry for almost 20 years, as an advisor, but also co-owner of clinics, the goal for me has been to help dentists improve their businesses through offering a better patient experience. 

Whilst selling your successful practice maybe a short-term fix, I propose an alternative arrangement whereby independent dentists work in collaboration to overcome the challenges they face.

You don’t need to sell the practice you have worked at for many years, just because this temporary though significant break in business has occurred. 

You can maintain your autonomy, brand, team culture while collaborating with others and outsource the parts of your dental practice that would benefit from scaling. 

For example, a dental collaborative could be formed whereby all the owners retain ownership of their practice and they outsource certain services for a fee including:

  • Supplies at reduced rates due to economies of scale
  • Accountancy and payroll services at reduced rates due to economies of scale
  • Marketing support (including websites) at reduced rates due to economies of scale
  • Continuing education

Then in the future, when it does come to selling your practice, if all of  the owners have opted in to a collaborative sale , the exit multiple they achieve on sale would be considerably higher than if they sold now, or alone in the future.

Such an approach ensures dentists retain control of their own businesses, develop them the way you want to, and ensure the team culture is protected and the level of patient care you have created is maintained – all very valuable. We want you to retain your autonomy and stay in the driving seat.  Right now, it might seem like an easy option to just sell and drive off into the sunset . But at what price ?


Today’s changing Dental landscape requires independent practice owners to evolve. By working together, not in competition, in such a scenario outlined, allows such practices to offer the services they desire, whilst creating real value in their business.

Now is NOT the time to exit, now is the time to come together.

The Numbers ALWAYS Tell The Story – Safety In Numbers

An alternative way to look at this is through the numbers. In the current market, an opportunistic buyer may offer a low-ball price, say 3x EBITDA (cash profit), whilst prior to the crisis this may have been nearer 5-6x.

Translated into hard numbers, for example. A dental practice with an EBITDA of £200,000 may now be achieving a price of say £600,000 (3x EBITDA), but if they can ride out this period of uncertainty and rebuild, the value can go higher maybe up to nearer £1.2m (6x EBITDA).

However, by collaborating in such an arrangement I have detailed above, prior to COVID 19 a group of dental practices would routinely sell for multiples in excess of 10X EBITDA (£2m for a £200,000 EBITDA practice), so the question has to be, do you sell yourself short now, or ride out the wave and build your business to achieve a much higher multiple in the future? Groups of practices will always attract a much higher multiple!

The larger the collaboration (the number of practices), the higher the value. 

Grow Your Dental Practice with Samera

Join the Samera Alliance buying group today for free to save money on your consumables and assets, increase your profits and grow your dental practice.

You’ll get access to exclusive discounts on the consumables, products and equipment you need to build and grow your dental practice. You’ll also get exclusive discounts from our Alliance Partners, covering everything from HR, IT and legal services to utilities, compliance and dental technology.

Join for free. Save money. Grow your dental practice.

More on Growing a Dental Practice

For more information on growing a dental practice, check out the articles and webinars in our Learning Centre, like our guide on How to Grow a Dental Practice.

Make sure you never miss any of our articles, webinars, videos or events by following us on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.

COVID-19 Business Update and Next Steps to Take

Surviving a Financial Crisis

Our healthcare business consultants are experts at helping medical health providers and their businesses survive a financial crisis. We can help with cash flow management, raising finance and optimising your accounts and tax structure.

Book a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our team to find out more about how we can help you and your business.

For more information financial crises and your business, including more articles, videos and webinars check out our Learning Centre here.

Make sure you never miss any of our articles, webinars, videos or events by following us on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.

Tax Avoidance Promoters Targeting Returning NHS Workers

HMRC has recently released warnings to returning NHS workers regarding tax schemes currently being offered to some. 

Workers returning to the NHS to assist with the current COVID-19 crisis are, in some cases, being offered access to tax avoidance schemes, and HMRC is strongly warning against joining any such scheme.

How to tell if you have been offered a tax scam

There are several ways for you to tell if a scheme you have been offered is a tax avoidance scam. 

Contact Samera directly and we can advise on whether a tax scheme you have been offered is legitimate, or an avoidance scam. 

HMRC have guidance on their website to help you understand what these scams look like:

Citizens Advice also have information on their website on how to spot a scam:

Surviving a Financial Crisis

Our healthcare business consultants are experts at helping medical health providers and their businesses survive a financial crisis. We can help with cash flow management, raising finance and optimising your accounts and tax structure.

Book a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our team to find out more about how we can help you and your business.

For more information financial crises and your business, including more articles, videos and webinars check out our Learning Centre here.

Make sure you never miss any of our articles, webinars, videos or events by following us on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.

COVID 19 Update and Essential Leadership Skills

In this webinar I discuss the current situation for Dentists regarding COVID 19 plus the Essential Leadership Skills required!

Click here to read our blog on How to finance a healthcare business.

Surviving a Financial Crisis

Our healthcare business consultants are experts at helping medical health providers and their businesses survive a financial crisis. We can help with cash flow management, raising finance and optimising your accounts and tax structure.

Book a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our team to find out more about how we can help you and your business.

For more information financial crises and your business, including more articles, videos and webinars check out our Learning Centre here.

Make sure you never miss any of our articles, webinars, videos or events by following us on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.

7 Business Actions Every Dental Practice Must do in a Lockdown

In this webinar recording, Arun discusses 7 Actions all Dental Practice Owners must now do in this downtime.

Click here to read our article on How to finance a healthcare business.

Surviving a Financial Crisis

Our healthcare business consultants are experts at helping medical health providers and their businesses survive a financial crisis. We can help with cash flow management, raising finance and optimising your accounts and tax structure.

Book a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our team to find out more about how we can help you and your business.

For more information financial crises and your business, including more articles, videos and webinars check out our Learning Centre here.

Make sure you never miss any of our articles, webinars, videos or events by following us on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.

How to Deal With Your Bank in a Cash Flow Crisis

In this webinar, Nigel and I discuss how to handle your banks in a cash flow crisis and what you need to be thinking about.

Click here to read our article on How to finance a healthcare business.

Surviving a Financial Crisis

Our healthcare business consultants are experts at helping medical health providers and their businesses survive a financial crisis. We can help with cash flow management, raising finance and optimising your accounts and tax structure.

Book a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our team to find out more about how we can help you and your business.

For more information financial crises and your business, including more articles, videos and webinars check out our Learning Centre here.

Make sure you never miss any of our articles, webinars, videos or events by following us on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.

How Your Team Will Get You Through COVID-19

I refer to “The Infinite Game” by Simon Sinek which is available on Amazon.

Remember, team loyalty goes both ways.

Surviving a Financial Crisis

Our healthcare business consultants are experts at helping medical health providers and their businesses survive a financial crisis. We can help with cash flow management, raising finance and optimising your accounts and tax structure.

Book a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our team to find out more about how we can help you and your business.

For more information financial crises and your business, including more articles, videos and webinars check out our Learning Centre here.

Make sure you never miss any of our articles, webinars, videos or events by following us on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.

Bank and Asset Finance Provider List

We have now managed to contact most of the lenders to the Dental market and detail each of their policies regarding payment holidays and loans in the attached spreadsheet. It’s quite self explanatory.

Thank you to Dan in my team who has been calling everyone he knows!

Click here to read our article on how to finance a healthcare business.

Business Loans for Healthcare Businesses

We’ve been helping to fund the future of British healthcare businesses for over 20 years and our team are made up of former bankers with decades of experience in the UK’s healthcare lending sector.

You can find out more about working with Samera and the financial services we offer by booking a free consultation with one of the Samera team at a time that suits you (including evenings) or by reading more about our financial services at the links below.

For more information on raising finance for your healthcare business, including more articles, videos and webinars check out our Learning Centre here, full of articles and webinars like our How to Guide on Financing a Dental Practice.

Make sure you never miss any of our articles, webinars, videos or events by following us on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.

Business Tips in an Economic Crisis

In this Facebook live recording Arun discusses his tips to manage your business in this economic crisis. – Approx 23 minutes in duration.

Click here to read our blog on How to finance a healthcare business.

Surviving a Financial Crisis

Our healthcare business consultants are experts at helping medical health providers and their businesses survive a financial crisis. We can help with cash flow management, raising finance and optimising your accounts and tax structure.

Book a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our team to find out more about how we can help you and your business.

For more information financial crises and your business, including more articles, videos and webinars check out our Learning Centre here.

Make sure you never miss any of our articles, webinars, videos or events by following us on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.

Dealing With Your Landlord

I know many dental practices will be concerned about their rent payments due to their landlords.

Naturally, every landlord will differ, but I do think it is worth asking your landlord for some leniency in payments.

For instance, rather than paying a whole quarter in advance, ask if you can pay monthly just for this uncertain period. They may say yes, they may say no, but no harm in asking.

I attach a template of an email I sent to one of our landlord’s for one of our dental practices today, and it certainly did the trick!

Just change the amounts and names.

Give it a go – you have nothing to lose!

Click here to read our blog on How to finance a healthcare business.

Surviving a Financial Crisis

Our healthcare business consultants are experts at helping medical health providers and their businesses survive a financial crisis. We can help with cash flow management, raising finance and optimising your accounts and tax structure.

Book a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our team to find out more about how we can help you and your business.

For more information financial crises and your business, including more articles, videos and webinars check out our Learning Centre here.

Make sure you never miss any of our articles, webinars, videos or events by following us on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.

Free Cash Flow Spreadsheet Template

Please find below a very simple cash flow statement tool which I urge you to use to help you manage your cash flow.

There are some made up numbers in there currently. Clear them all out and enter your own figures.

Use this tool as a starting point to plan your cash needs.

How does the tool work

  1. The light pink cells require you to enter your monthly income and expenses each month. If you close for a period of time, you may have ZERO income in those months BUT still have the expenses.
  2. Cell B34 (green colour) details your approximate current bank balance in your business.
  3. Once you have entered these key figures you will then see in row 34, your cash bank balance based on your forecast scenarios at differing time points.
  4. You may also need to take into account tax payments too, the spreadsheet can be adjusted by you for your needs.
  5. The tool will then say in row 34 your funding shortfall, if you have one, and the approximate cash you will need to raise.

Personally, I suggest you plan for the worse case scenario and work out the cash you actually require to keep your business in the black.

If using spreadsheets is not your strong point, let us know, we can help you, but we are dealing with these on a first come first served basis.

What Next?

Once you have worked out a projected cash flow for your business, you will be better able to plan the growth of your practice.

If you need finance for your business then book a call with Nigel or Dan to find out the best options for you.

Book your call with Nigel or Dan here.

Commercial Loans for Healthcare Businesses

We’ve been helping to fund the future of British healthcare businesses for over 20 years and our team are made up of former bankers with decades of experience in the UK’s healthcare lending sector.

You can find out more about working with Samera and the financial services we offer by booking a free consultation with one of the Samera team at a time that suits you (including evenings) or by reading more about our financial services at the links below.

For more information on raising finance for your healthcare business, including more articles, videos and webinars check out our Learning Centre here, full of articles and webinars like our How to Guide on Financing a Dental Practice.

For all our previous webinars and video updates, subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Dental Practice Valuations

In this webinar, filmed during the first lockdown, Arun discusses how the valuations of dental practices in the UK have been affected and why now is the time to capitalise.

Sell your Dental Practice with Samera

If you’re thinking about selling your dental practice then Samera can help make sure that you find the right buyer and the best price for your business. If you want to get the best price possible when you sell your dental practice, you need to build the value and grow the revenue to ensure you get the best return on your investment.

Book your free consultation to find out how you can grow the value of your practice before you sell.

More on Selling a Dental Practice

For more information please check out the articles and webinars in the selling a dental practice section of our Learning Centre, like our guide on How to Sell a Dental Practice in 9 Steps.

Make sure you never miss any of our articles, webinars, videos or events by following us on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.

Doing a Start-Up During a Pandemic

In this webinar, Arun explains what has changed since the beginning of the pandemic and what dentists need to do differently if they want to successfully start a practice now.

Starting a Dental Practice: Get Started

We’ve been helping the UK’s dentists start their own practices for nearly 20 years and we know exactly what it takes to make your practice a success!

Our Dental Practice Start-up Programme is a hands-on consultancy service designed to take you through your whole journey to becoming a dental practice owner. Book a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our team at a time that suits you (including evenings). We’ll call you back and have a chat about how we can help start your dream practice.

Contact us today for all the advice, support and expertise you’ll ever need to start a dental practice.

Learn More: Starting a Dental Practice

For more information please check out the articles and webinars in the start a dental practice section of our Learning Centre, like our guide on How to Start a Dental Practice in 13 Steps.

Make sure you never miss any of our articles, webinars, videos or events by following us on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.