Secondary Sources of Finances

Secondary Sources of Finances

Dental Business Guide Podcast Episode | 8th February
Arun Mehra and Nigel Crossman

You can find all episodes of the Dental Business Guide Podcast here.

Exploring Secondary Sources of Finances for Dental Practices in the UK

Running a dental practice is a big job. From buying equipment to hiring staff, it costs a lot of money. Getting money to help your practice grow is really important. There are different ways to get money, like loans from banks or online lenders. In the UK, there are also other ways like getting money from private supporters or investors, or using crowdfunding. Each option has good and bad parts, and we’ll talk about them. You’ll learn about all these choices and how to decide which one is best for your practice. By the end, you’ll know more about how to get money for your dental practice.

Click here to read our article on How to finance a healthcare business.

Introduction to secondary sources of finances for dental practices

When you’re running a dental practice, having a strong financial base is really important. People usually get money from banks as loans, but there are other places to get money from too. These other places can give you more help and flexibility in the UK.

These other places to get money are called secondary sources of funds. They’re different from the usual ways of getting money. They can give dental practices extra money in different ways.

One of these other places is crowdfunding. Crowdfunding lets dental practices ask lots of people for money to help their business. This can be a good way to raise money and get support from the community.

Another way is peer-to-peer lending. This is when you borrow money from regular people or groups, not just banks. There are websites that connect people who want to lend money with people who need it. This helps dental practices get money at good interest rates.

There are also grants and subsidies you can get in the UK. These are like gifts of money from the government, charities, or groups that help certain industries. You can use these grants for things like making your practice bigger, getting better equipment, or doing research.

Looking at these other ways to get money can give dental practices more choices. By using different sources of money, practices can have better chances of getting the money they need. This helps them make more money, grow, and do better things. But, it’s important to read and understand the rules of these other ways to get money so they match what the practice wants and can afford.


Read our article on why you should use a commercial finance broker.

Traditional financing options for dental practices in the UK

When it comes to getting money for a dental practice in the UK, there are a few usual choices. Many dental experts have used these choices for a long time, and they are still good ways to get money.

One common choice is a bank loan. Banks have special programs for healthcare professionals like dentists. These loans have good interest rates and flexible ways to pay back the money, which is helpful for dental practices.

Another usual choice is a line of credit. This is like having an amount of money that you can use for different things, like buying equipment or growing the practice. With a line of credit, you only borrow what you need and pay interest on that.

Leasing is another choice for dental experts. Instead of buying expensive equipment all at once, you can rent it for a while by paying regular amounts. This helps save money and keeps your practice up-to-date with new technology.

Some dental practices might also think about working with other dental experts or investors. This could mean sharing the financial responsibility or getting money from investors who want a part of the practice’s profits.

While these usual ways to get money have worked for most dental practices in the UK, it’s important to look at the terms, interest rates, and how you’ll pay back the money for each choice. Checking out different options and talking to financial experts can help dental experts make good decisions about which choice is best for their needs and goals.


Alternative financing options for dental practices in the UK

When it comes to getting money for a dental practice in the UK, there are more choices than just regular bank loans. Actually, there are other ways to get money that dental experts can think about. They can use these options for different reasons, like making their practice bigger, getting new equipment, or paying for unexpected things.

One option is peer-to-peer lending. This is when people lend money to other people directly. Dental professionals can use this method to get money quickly and maybe at lower interest rates than regular banks. Peer-to-peer lending is a good choice for dentists who might not meet all the strict rules of regular banks or want a simpler process.

Another option is using lending companies that specialize in dentistry. These companies know a lot about dental practices and give loans that fit their needs. They understand the challenges dentists face and can help them with the money they need. These companies also give expert advice and support during the lending process.

Crowdfunding is also a way for dental practices to get money. They can show their ideas to a big group of people through crowdfunding websites and get money from people who believe in their plans. This method gives money and helps build a community of supporters and potential patients.

Dentists can also think about leasing equipment. This means they can use the newest dental equipment without buying it all at once. This can save money, especially if they’re just starting or growing their practice.

In short, dentists in the UK have many options to get money beyond regular bank loans. Trying out these options can give more flexibility, speed, and tailored help for their special needs. Whether it’s peer-to-peer lending, dental-focused lending companies, crowdfunding, or equipment leasing, dental professionals can find the money they need to reach their goals and succeed in a competitive field.

Peer-to-peer lending platforms

Shared lending platforms have become a good choice for dental practices in the UK to get money. These platforms are different from regular banks. They let people who need money connect directly with individuals who want to lend it. This way, dental practices can get the money they need without going through a long and complicated process.

One big advantage of these platforms is that they can offer lower interest rates. Since the lenders are regular people and not big banks, they often give loans with better terms. Also, using these platforms online makes it quick and easy to apply for a loan, saving time and effort.

Moreover, these lending platforms help dental practices reach more potential lenders. These platforms have many individual lenders with different backgrounds and interests. This makes it more likely to find people who really want to help dental practices. This is especially useful for new practices or those with special needs.

When thinking about using these lending platforms, dental practices need to do research and be careful. It’s important to choose a platform that is trustworthy and has a good history of successful lending. Reading reviews, understanding the platform’s terms, and looking at how they approve loans are important steps to pick the right lending platform for a dental practice’s money needs.

In short, shared lending platforms offer another option for dental practices in the UK to get money. With lower interest rates, a diverse group of lenders, and an easy application process, these platforms can help dental practices get money for growing, buying equipment, or other money needs.

Crowdfunding for dental practices

Crowdfunding has become a popular and effective way for dental practices in the UK to get money. In the past, dentists would ask banks or other money places for loans to grow their practice, get new equipment, or start a new one. But now, crowdfunding lets dentists get funds directly from a big group of people who believe in their ideas and want to help them succeed.

With crowdfunding, dental practices can reach more potential supporters, like patients, friends, family, and even strangers who are interested in new healthcare solutions. By making an interesting campaign, dental practices can show what makes them special, explain how they’ll use the money, and offer cool rewards to encourage people to support them.

A great thing about crowdfunding is that it helps build a community with supporters. Dental practices can use this chance to connect with their patients and make a group of people who not only give money but also talk positively about the practice. This can lead to more loyal patients, word-of-mouth recommendations, and a better reputation.

But, it’s important for dental practices to plan carefully when using crowdfunding. A successful campaign needs good research, a clear plan, and a story that makes sense to supporters. It’s also important to set realistic funding goals and be honest about how the money will be used.

In the end, crowdfunding is a good option for dental practices in the UK to get extra money without just relying on banks. By using crowdfunding well, dental practices can get the money they need and also build a strong community of loyal patients. With good planning and a great campaign, crowdfunding can really help dental practices grow and improve.


Dental practice financing companies

When it comes to getting money for your dental practice in the UK, it’s important to look beyond just regular banks. There are other ways to get funding that can really help your business grow. While banks are the common choice, there are also special companies that focus on giving money to dental practices. These companies understand the unique challenges dentists face and have solutions designed just for them.

These dental practice funding companies really know about the dental field. They understand what you need and can give you advice on how to use the money. They offer loans and other types of support that fit exactly what dental practices need, like buying equipment, expanding your practice, or even having enough money for daily operations.

One great thing about these funding companies is that they know dentistry well. They can offer flexible ways to pay back the money, good interest rates, and options that match your goals and needs.

Plus, these funding companies usually make it easy and fast to apply and get approved for the money you need. They might also offer other helpful services like renting equipment, getting insurance, or having a line of credit.

Dentists should take time to research different dental practice funding companies to find the best one for them. You should look at things like interest rates, how you’ll pay back the money, what other people say about the company, and how much experience and help they offer.

To sum up, dental practice funding companies can be a really good way to get money for dental practices in the UK. They understand dentistry, offer tailored solutions, and know how to help dental practices succeed. By checking out these different funding options, dentists can open up new possibilities and make sure their practices do well in the long run.


Exploring lease financing for dental equipment and technology

Lease funding is a smart choice for dental practices in the UK who want to get new equipment and technology without spending a lot of money all at once. This type of funding lets dentists borrow the equipment and pay for it over time.

One great thing about lease funding is that it’s flexible. Dental practices can pick from different options for how long they want to lease and how they want to pay. This helps them manage their money well and use it for other important parts of their practice.

Lease funding also lets dental practices keep up with new technology. Since dental tools are always improving, it’s important for practices to have the latest equipment to give the best care to patients. By using lease funding, dentists can upgrade their equipment as needed, staying at the forefront of dental advancements.

Also, lease funding means dental practices don’t have to spend a lot of money upfront. Instead of using a lot of money to buy equipment, they can use that money for other things like hiring good staff, advertising, or growing their practice.

Lease funding for dental equipment and technology often comes with extra benefits, like tax advantages. Many times, the payments can be counted as an expense, which can lower the amount of taxes the practice has to pay.

When looking into lease funding options, it’s important for dentists to read and understand the lease agreement carefully. Knowing the interest rates, how long you have to pay, and any possible fees will make sure the funding plan matches what the dental practice needs and wants.

In short, lease funding is a good option for dental practices in the UK. It’s a smart way to get equipment and technology without spending a lot upfront. With its flexibility, staying up-to-date, saving money, and possible tax benefits, lease funding helps dental practices improve while also being financially stable.


Read our guide on asset finance for dentists.

Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of secondary financing options

When it comes to getting money for dental practices in the UK, thinking about both main and extra ways is important. While some people might prefer main sources like bank loans or personal investments, there are also other options that can be really helpful.

Before choosing any extra funding options, it’s crucial to understand the good and not-so-good things about them. One option is getting money from lenders or financial places that focus on dentists. These lenders know a lot about the dental field and can offer loans that fit what dental practices need.

The good things about this kind of funding are that these lenders understand dentistry well, which can lead to better loan deals. They might also be more flexible when approving loans because they understand the challenges dentists face, like irregular income or the need for new equipment.

However, there are some things to think about carefully. These dental-focused lenders might have higher interest rates compared to regular banks. They could also ask for stricter terms or things like collateral to get the loan. That’s why it’s really important to read and understand the terms of any extra funding option to make sure it matches what the dental practice wants and can do.

Another extra funding option to consider is leasing or equipment financing. This can be really useful when dental practices want to get expensive equipment or technology. Leasing lets practices spread out the cost over time instead of paying a lot upfront. It also allows practices to upgrade equipment as technology improves, without the pressure of owning it.

But there are some downsides to think about with leasing or equipment financing. Over time, leasing might end up costing more than buying the equipment outright. Also, leasing deals might have specific terms and rules, like how the equipment can be used or what happens if the lease is ended early. It’s really important to think about these things and compare them with the long-term money impact before making a decision.

In short, understanding the good and not-so-good things about extra funding options is really important for dental practices in the UK. Lenders focused on dentists can offer tailored loans but might have higher interest rates. Leasing or equipment financing is flexible but might be more expensive in the long run. By carefully thinking about these factors, dental practices can make informed decisions to get the money they need for growth and success.


Tips for successfully securing secondary financing for your dental practice

Getting extra money for your dental practice can be a big help when you want to make your business bigger, upgrade equipment, or hire more staff. But you need to approach this process carefully to make it work. Here are some important tips to help you get extra funding for your dental practice in the UK:

Make a detailed plan: Before you talk to any potential lenders, take time to create a plan that explains your goals, how much money you’ll need, and how you’ll pay it back. This will show that you’re serious and capable, increasing your chances of getting funding.

Research and compare options: There are different places to get extra funding for dental practices, like regular bank loans, government-supported programs, and lenders that focus on dental funding. Look into each option, compare interest rates, terms for paying back, and any other benefits or requirements.

Keep your credit in good shape: Lenders will look at your credit history to see how reliable you are with money. Make sure your personal and business credit profiles are good by paying bills on time, settling debts, and fixing any mistakes that might hurt your credit score.

Build relationships with potential lenders: Meeting and connecting with possible lenders can be really helpful when you’re looking for extra funding. Attend industry events, join professional groups, and talk to lenders to build trust and understanding. This can help you stand out and maybe get better terms.

Get all your paperwork ready: When you apply for extra funding, you’ll need to provide lots of financial documents, like tax records, profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and predictions of how much money you’ll make. Make sure these documents are accurate, up-to-date, and organized to make the application process smoother.

Seek expert advice: Talking to financial advisors or industry experts can give you really useful information and guidance throughout the funding process. They can help you understand complicated money terms, negotiate terms, and figure out the best funding options for your dental practice.

By following these tips, you can improve your chances of getting extra funding for your dental practice in the UK. Remember, planning ahead, doing research, and building professional relationships are key to finding the right funding solution that will help your practice grow and succeed.

Resources and organizations that can assist with finding secondary financing options

When it comes to finding extra funding options for dental practices in the UK, there are some helpful places and groups that can offer valuable support. These are specialized in helping businesses get more money beyond the usual methods.

One of these helpful places is the British Business Bank, a government organization that helps small and medium-sized businesses grow. They have programs to help businesses, including dental practices, get funding. They work with banks and partners to offer guidance and support for alternative funding options.

Another group that can be really useful is the Dental Business Support Network (DBSN). This group has experts who know a lot about the dental field. They provide business help for dental practices. They’re really good at helping practices figure out the financial side of things, including finding extra funding. Their personalized help can be super useful in finding the right solutions for your needs.

Apart from these special places, it’s important to look into local business support groups and development agencies in your area. These groups often have programs to help businesses get extra funding. They can guide you, give advice, and maybe connect you with banks or investors who know about funding dental practices.

Also, connecting with others in the dental world can be a good way to find more funding options. Joining dental associations, going to industry events, and talking to other dental professionals can give you tips and leads on extra funding that others have used successfully.

Remember, when you’re checking out extra funding options, make sure you research and understand each opportunity and its terms really well. Get advice from professionals like financial advisors or accountants to make sure you make smart choices that match your practice’s financial goals and future success. With the right help and connections, you can confidently explore the world of extra funding options for your dental practice in the UK.


Business Loans for Healthcare Businesses

We’ve been helping to fund the future of British healthcare businesses for over 20 years and our team are made up of former bankers with decades of experience in the UK’s healthcare lending sector.

You can find out more about working with Samera and the financial services we offer by booking a free consultation with one of the Samera team at a time that suits you (including evenings) or by reading more about our financial services at the links below.

For more information on raising finance for your healthcare business, including more articles, videos and webinars check out our Learning Centre here, full of articles and webinars like our How to Guide on Financing a Dental Practice.

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Reviewed By:

Nigel Crossman

Nigel Crossman

Head of Commercial Finance

Nigel is a former banker and head of commercial finance at Samera. He specialises in raising finance, negotiating deals and structuring finance applications for healthcare businesses.

Dan Fearon

Dan Fearon

Finance Manager

Dan is a former banker and the head of our dental practice sales team. He specialises in asset finance for healthcare businesses and dental practice sales.