Charitable Activities

Many of our directors and staff actively support local and international charities, often volunteering in an advisory capacity or helping with fundraising initiatives.

In 2017 Dr Smita Mehra supported Burmadent, by visiting some of the most remote parts of Burma to provide dental care to many adults and children requiring dental care.

Arun Mehra FCA was recently appointed as the Treasurer trustee for Bridge2Aid, a leading provider of dental emergency education in Africa. Arun visited Tanzania in September 2018, you can read about his experience in his blog post titled: Dental Volunteering with Bridge2Aid.

Other team members are actively involved in a variety of charities including homelessness, hospices and many other worthwhile causes.

Corporate and Social Responsibility

The Samera corporate and social responsibility program aims to cover as many aspects as possible to create a positive impact on society and the environment.

These include charitable work, education, working to help foster an entrepreneurial spirit within young people and encouraging all of our team to consider environmentally friendly and sustainable working conditions.


In April 2021 we set up a charitable initiative on Gofundme with the name Help India Breathe. With the help of our wonderful clients, friends and family we were able to raise well over £20,000. This money was used to fund oxygen concentrators which we shipped out to the smaller, less well-resourced towns and villages in India.

You can read all about it and even donate to the cause here.

Furthermore, as the economic impacts began to be felt by businesses across the UK, we greatly increased the number of free, public webinars we host, focussing on cash flow management and financial planning for businesses in a crisis.

Our Environment

Being a professional service, the environmental impact is a minimum, however, we still work towards minimising the impact that we do have on the Environment. As a growing business, we regularly review our impact and look to develop ways to be able to implement new schemes within the business.

We understand that every business has an important role to play in preserving and protecting the environment. We are committed to pursuing our business activities with integrity, always behaving ethically, and ensuring we protect the environment and engage in positive ways with our local communities.

All our team are supported to work from home, minimising the need to travel and reducing the impact on the environment. This has the benefit of lower carbon emissions, but also provides our team with the flexibility they desire.

In the Community

We actively look to recruit young people and school leavers via business administration apprenticeships, training them to have the key core skills to work within an office environment, then those who have the ability and desire are able to move on to more specialised roles within the business and where appropriate to study AAT and further accountancy qualifications.

Our People

Our team are everything to us. Without their hard work and dedication, the business would not be able to succeed, grow and develop, whilst helping our client base.

We offer training and development opportunities for all team members. Nurturing talent from all backgrounds, helps us grow our own and bring out the best in people. We have a number of people within the business that have developed during their time with the business, find out more about their journeys in our careers section.