Help India Breathe

As I am sure most of you are aware, India is in the midst of a medical crisis. Hospitals are overwhelmed, oxygen is running out and the death toll is climbing rapidly.  

After speaking to many of my relatives in India on Whatsapp, I strongly felt that we had to do whatever we could to help.  

That is why we have set up a GoFundMe page for Help India Breathe. 

By donating whatever amount you can spare, you will be helping to fund medical equipment, food and other vital supplies for a country in crisis. 

As many of our clients have family and friends in India, I know this will be close to many people’s hearts and we are hoping to be able to raise enough to make a real difference and prevent as many needless deaths as possible. 

We have strong connections in India to ensure that the funds are managed appropriately and where they will make the most difference. 

Help us send oxygen to India 

All funds raised in the UK will be used to purchase equipment such as Oxygen and related equipment in the UK. No money is being sent to India, the equipment is shipped direct to the NGO’s in India. 

We are identifying small local charities and NGO’s that are requiring oxygen equipment – NOT large organisations and charities which have layers of admin and bureaucracy. 

Donate now to Help India Breathe 

All of this means that no funds leave the UK and also ensures that the people who need the oxygen equipment get it as quickly as possible. 

Much of the news has been focused on the main cities of Delhi and Mumbai, but as my cousin in Mumbai told me, it’s the smaller towns and villages with little infrastructure that really need help. 

Sadly, this is just the beginning, and is a crisis that won’t disappear quickly. India cannot be isolated, and they need our help.

Please donate and help where you can – Thank you!

You have raised over £20,000!

14th May 2021

We have hit £20000

Thanks to your fantastic donations we have managed to raise over £20,000 for Help India Breathe. We are excited to announce that the first batch of oxygen concentrators have arrived in India and are going towards helping the people who truly need it.

We want to sincerely thank you all again for your support and donations, we have been truly humbled by all of the support this initiative has received.

15 Oxygen Concentrators Have Arrived in India

11th May 2021

Your donations have gone towards the purchase of 15 oxygen concentrators, which have arrived safely in India and are currently being distributed to those who need it most.

We want to say an enormous ‘thank you!’ to everyone who has supported us to make this possible.


You have raised over £10,000! 

30th April 2021

We have hit £10000

We want to say a massive ‘Thank you!’ to everyone who has donated so far – you have helped us raise over £10,000 already! That money has already gone towards 15 Philips Oxygen Concentrators, we are currently liaising with our partners in India to send these out as soon as possible. We will be providing updates as soon as they have been shipped and arrived.

If you haven’t already, please Help India Breathe by donating whatever you can to help an entire nation in crisis.  We still have a long way to go to reach our goal of £100,000!

Self employment grant – Round 3

For those of you that managed to secure a government grant for being self employed earlier in the year, make sure you claim your third tranche now.

The government portal is now open, and you can make your claim for the SEISS grant – round 3.

It’s all quite self explanatory and if you have done this before, you should know what you are doing.

All the details on the following link:

We know for some, every penny currently matters, so make sure you don’t miss out on this, if you qualified previously.

If you were not eligible previously, unfortunately, you will not be able to claim this grant this time around either.

Further Information on Accounts & Tax

Our team of specialist accountants and tax experts can help manage, process and structure your business’s finances. From management accounts and payroll & pensions to tax planning and cash flow management, we can take care of the full back-office function of your business.

Book a free, no-obligation consultation with one of the team to find out how we can make your accounts & tax easier, quicker and cheaper.

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